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Condensed Matter Physics

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-04, 16:19

1 The nature of condensed matter
Condensed matter physics is the study of large numbers of atoms and molecules that are
“stuck together.” Solids and liquids are examples. In the condensed state many molecules
interact with each other. The physics of such a system is quite different from that of the
individual molecules because of collective effects: qualitatively new things happen because
there are many interacting particles. The behavior of most of the objects in our everyday
experience is dominated by collective effects. Examples of materials where such effects are
important are crystals and magnets.
This is a vast field: the subject matter could be taken to include traditional solid state
physics (basically the study of the quantum mechanics of crystalline matter), magnetism,
fluid dynamics, elasticity theory, the physics of materials, aspects of polymer science, and
some biophysics. In fact, condensed matter is less a field than a collection of fields with
some overlapping tools and techniques. Any course in this area must make choices. This is
my personal choice.
In this chapter I will discuss orders of magnitude that are important, review ideas from
quantum mechanics and chemistry that we will need, outline what holds condensed matter
together, and discuss how order arises in condensed systems. The discussion here will be
qualitative. Later chapters will fill in the details.
1.1 Some basic orders of magnitude
To fix our ideas, consider a typical bit of condensed matter, a macroscopic piece of solid
copper metal. As we will see later it is best to view the system as a collection of cuprous
(Cu+) ions and conduction electrons, one per atom, that are free to move within the metal.
We discuss some basic scales that will be important for understanding the physics of this
piece of matter.
LengthsAcharacteristic length that will be important is the distance between the Cu atoms.
In a solid this distance will be of order of a chemical bond length:
L ≈ 3 Å ≈ 3 × 10−8cm. (1.1)
Note that this is very tiny on the macroscopic scale. The whole art of condensed matter
physics consists in bridging the gap between the atomic scale and the macroscopic properties
of condensed matter.
Energies We can ask about the characteristic energy scales for the sample. One important
energy scale is the binding energy of the material per atom.Aclosely related quantity is the
melting temperature in energy units:
1357 K = 0.11 eV. (1.2)
This is a typical scale to break up the material. If we probe at much larger energies (KeV, for
example) we will be probing the inner shells of Cu, namely the domain of atomic physics,
or at MeV, the Cu nucleus, i.e. nuclear physics.
Cu has an interesting color (it is copper colored, in fact), so we might expect something
interesting at the scale of the energy of ordinary light, namely,
E ≈ ωopt ∼ 3 eV (1.3)
which is also the strength of a typical chemical bond. A somewhat larger, but comparable
scale is that of the Coulomb interaction of two electrons a distance L apart:
E ≈ e2/L ≈ 5 eV. (1.4)
These energies are low even for atomic physics. This means that in our study of condensed
matter we will always be interested only in the outer (valence electrons) which are least
SpeedsWhen a piece of Cu carries an electrical current of density, j, the conduction electrons
move at a drift velocity vd:
j = ne vd (1.5)
where n is the number density of conduction electrons and e is the charge on the electron.
For ordinary sized currents we find a very small speed, vd ≈ 0.01 cm/sec.
There is another characteristic speed, the mean thermal speed, vT of the Cu ions when they
vibrate at finite temperature.We estimate vT as follows. From the Boltzmann equipartition
theorem the mean kinetic energy of an ion is:
Mv2T/2 ∼ kBT. (1.6)
Here T is the absolute temperature, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, M is the mass of a Cu ion,
and vT is the mean thermal velocity. At room temperature we get vT ∼ 3 × 104 cm/sec.
There is a larger speed associated with the electrons, namely the quantum mechanical
speed of the valence electrons.We estimate this speed as [frequency of an optical transition]
x length:
v ∼ (E/)(L) ≈ 107 cm/sec. (1.7)
As we will see below, there is another relevant speed, the magnitude of the Fermi velocity,
which is of the same order.
In any case, all of these speeds are small compared to the speed of light. Thus, we seldom
need the theory of relativity in condensed matter physics. (An exception is the spin-orbit
interaction of heavy elements.)
Large numbers and collective effects The essential point of the subject is that we deal
with very large numbers of ions and electrons,≈ 1027 in a macroscopic sample. In a famous
essay P. W. Anderson (1972) pointed out the significance of this fact. When many things
interact we often generate new phenomena, sometimes called emergent phenomena. Or,
as Anderson put it, “more is different.” Some examples of collective effects that we will
emphasize in this book are the existence of order of various types, e.g. crystalline order,
magnetic order, and superconducting order.
1.2 Quantum or classical
We have seen that we are interested in non-relativistic physics. We can go further: for the
case of Cu there are conduction electrons and Cu+ ions. What type of physics is applicable
to each? In particular, do we need quantum mechanics?Auseful criterion is to compare the
de Broglie wavelength of the relevant particle, λ = h/mv, to the interparticle spacing.
For the ions, the relevant speed is vT which we estimated above. Thus:
λ = h/(2MkBT)1/2 ≈ 10−9 cm << L. (1.Cool
This is smaller than the spacing by an order of magnitude. For all ions in solids (except for
He and H at very low temperatures) we can use classical mechanics. (As we will see, for
vibrations of ions at low T, we need quantum mechanics too.)
For the electrons the situation is different because the electron mass, m, is is 63×1800
times smaller than the mass of a Cu ion, so we get
λ = h/(2mkBT)1/2 ≈ 3 × 10−7 cm >> L. (1.9)
Electrons are quantum mechanical for all temperatures.
1.3 Chemical bonds
Matter condenses because atoms and molecules attract one another. In the condensed state
they are connected by chemical bonds. This is the “glue” that holds condensed matter
together. We will summarize here some notions from chemistry which we will need in the
van derWaals’ bonds At long ranges the dominant interaction between neutral atoms or
molecules is the van der Waals interaction which arises from the interaction of fluctuating
induced dipoles. For two neutral molecules (or atoms) a distance d apart this effect gives
rise to a potential energy of interaction given by:
V(r) ∼ −1/r6. (1.10)
This equation is universally true if the molecules are far apart compared to the size of
of their electronic clouds. For closed shell atoms and molecules such as Ar and H2 that
do not chemically react, the van der Waals’ interaction is the attractive force that causes
condensation. Since this is a weak, short-range force, materials bound this way usually have
low melting points.
A rough argument for the r−6 dependence is as follows: suppose there is a fluctuation
(a quantum fluctuation, in fact) on one of two molecules so that an instantaneous dipole
moment, p1, arises. This gives rise to an electric field of order E ∼ p1/d3 at the other
molecule. This electric field polarizes the other atom. To understand this, we introduce a
concept that we will use later, the polarizability, α, of the molecule. It is defined by:
pind = αE, (1.11)
where pind is the induced dipole moment. Note that in our system of units the polarizability,
α, has units of volume. It is roughly the molecular volume. Thus p2 ∼ αp1/d3. This finally
gives for identical molecules the fluctuating dipole-dipole interaction:
V ∼ p1p2/d3 ∼ αp2
1/d6. (1.12)
Since this expression depends on p2
1 there is a time-averaged value for the potential. It is
easy to show that the dipoles will be antiparallel so that the interaction is attractive. An
actual calculation of the coefficient of r−6, that is, of the average of p2
1, can be done (in
simple cases) using quantum mechanical perturbation theory.
Ionic bonds The chemistry of the valence electrons in a compound can lead to charge
transfer, e.g.:
Na + Cl → Na+Cl−. (1.13)
In this case there will be strong forces due to the charges, and the ions will be bound by the
Coulomb interaction:
V(r) = Zq1q2/r.
This is called ionic binding. Solid NaCl, table salt, is bound in this way. Ionic solids often
have very large binding, and very large melting points.
Covalent bonds In elements with s and p electrons in the outer shell, covalent sp3 orbitals
give rise to directed bonds where electrons between ions glue together the material. Semiconductors
such as Si, Ge, are bonded this way, as well as polymers and many biological
materials. There are intermediate cases between the covalent and ionic materials, such as
III-V semiconductors like GaAs.
Hydrogen bonds These arise in materials that containHsuch as ice. The proton participates
in the bonding. This is very important in biological materials.
Metallic bonding For most light metals like Cu or Na, the outer valence electrons are
delocalized for quantum mechanical reasons which we will discuss in great detail, later.
The electrons act as glue by sitting between the positively charged ions. These essentially
free electrons give rise to the electrical conduction of metals such as Cu.
1.4 The exchange interaction
We have talked about bonds between atoms in terms of spatial degrees of freedom of the
electrons, but we have not mentioned electron spin. There is another effect, very important
for magnetism, which arises from the interplay between the Pauli exclusion principle, the
spin degrees of freedom, and the electrostatic repulsion of electrons. It occurs, for example,
for atoms which have unpaired spins.
We recall from quantum mechanics that the Pauli principle says that electron wavefunctions
must be antisymmetric in the exchange of any two electrons. This implies that when
we bring two atoms together the many-electron wavefunction must vanish when two electrons
with parallel spins are at the same position. Therefore electrons with parallel spins
are likely to be farther apart in space than antiparallel ones, and therefore have a smaller
electrostatic repulsion. As a result, if the two atoms have parallel spins the energy is lower.
Thus spins and therefore magnetic moments tend to line up when electrons from adjacent
atoms overlap. This is called the exchange interaction. This is discussed in considerable
detail below, Section 9.2.1, or in standard texts on quantum mechanics, e.g. (Landau &
Lif***z 1977, Schiff 1968, Baym 1990).
There are a few comments we should make about this. One is that there needs to be
overlap of wavefunctions to have the effect work. The difference in energy between states
with parallel and antiparallel spins on adjacent atoms (the strength of the interaction) is
dependent on the overlap; the exchange interaction is very short range. Also, the size of the
energy difference is basically the electrostatic energy of two electrons an atomic distance
apart, a few electron volts.
Spin and symmetry effects need not favor parallel spins; it depends on the nature of
the wavefunctions and what energies are most important. A simple example of favoring
antiparallel spins is the hydrogen molecule, two electrons and two protons. In one
approach to the problem (the Heitler–London approximation) we build up the wavefunction
for the molecule from atomic wavefunctions centered on each proton. We can
then form symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of these functions, as above. However,
since the total wavefunction must be antisymmetric, parallel electron spins (total
spin 1) go with the antisymmetric spatial function, and antiparallel spins (total spin 0)
go with the symmetric spatial function; for more details see (Baym 1990). The electrostatic
interaction with the hydrogen nuclei favors the symmetric state since the electrons
spend more time between the nuclei, and the kinetic energy of the symmetric state is
lower. As a result the ground (bonding) state of H2 has total spin 0, and is symmetric in

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-23, 03:47

Quantum Field Theoryof Many-body Systems
From the Origin of Soundto an Origin of Light and Electrons
Xiao-Gang Wen
Department of Physics, MIT

The quantum theory of condensed matter (i.e. solids and liquids) has been dominated
by two main themes. The first one is band theory and perturbation theory. It
is loosely based on Landau's Fermi liquid theory. The second theme is Landau's
symmetry-breaking theory and renormalization group theory. Condensed matter
theory is a very successful theory. It allows us to understand the properties of
almost all forms of matter. One triumph of the first theme is the theory of semiconductors,
which lays the theoretical foundation for electronic devices that make
recent technological advances possible. The second theme is just as important. It
allows us to understand states of matter and phase transitions between them. It is
the theoretical foundation behind liquid crystal displays, magnetic recording, etc.
As condensed matter theory has been so successful, one starts to get a feeling
of completeness and a feeling of seeing the beginning of the end of condensed
matter theory. However, this book tries to present a different picture. It advocates
that what we have seen is just the end of the beginning. There is a whole new world
ahead of us waiting to be explored.
A peek into the new world is offered by the discovery of the fraction quantum
Hall effect (Tsui et al, 1982). Another peek is offered by the discovery of high-Tc
superconductors (Bednorz and Mueller, 1986). Both phenomena are completely
beyond the two themes outlined above. In last twenty years, rapid and exciting
developments in the fraction quantum Hall effect and in high-Tc superconductivity
have resulted in many new ideas and new concepts. We are witnessing an emergence
of a new theme in the many-body theory of condensed matter systems. This
is an exciting time for condensed matter physics. The new paradigm may even
have an impact on our understanding of fundamental questions of nature.
It is with this background that I have written this book.1 The first half of this
book covers the two old themes, which will be called traditional condensed matter
theory.2 The second part of this book offers a peek into the emerging new theme,
which will be called modern condensed matter theory. The materials covered in
the second part are very new. Some of them are new results that appeared only a
few months ago. The theory is still developing rapidly.
After reading this book, I hope, instead of a feeling of completeness, readers
will have a feeling of emptiness. After one-hundred years of condensed matter theory,
which offers us so much, we still know so little about the richness of nature.
However, instead of being disappointed, I hope that readers are excited by our
incomplete understanding. It means that the interesting and exciting time of condensed
matter theory is still ahead of us, rather than behind us. I also hope that
readers will gain a feeling of confidence that there is no question that cannot be
answered and no mystery that cannot be understood. Despite there being many
mysteries which remain to be understood, we have understood many mysteries
which initially seemed impossible to understand. We have understood some fundamental
questions that, at the beginning, appeared to be too fundamental to even
have an answer. The imagination of the human brain is also boundless.3
This book was developed when I taught the quantum many-body physics course
between 1996 and 2002 at MIT. The book is intended for graduate students who
are interested in modern theoretical physics. The first part (Chapters 2-5) covers
traditional many-body physics, which includes path integrals, linear responses,
the quantum theory of friction, mean-field theory for interacting bosons/fermions,
symmetry breaking and long-range order, renormalization groups, orthogonality
catastrophe, Fermi liquid theory, and nonlinear -models. The second part (Chapters
6-10) covers topics in modern many-body physics, which includes fractional
quantum Hall theory, fractional statistics, current algebra and bosonization, quantum
gauge theory, topological/quantum order, string-net condensation, emergent
gauge-bosons/fermions, the mean-field theory of quantum spin liquids, and twoor
three-dimensional exactly soluble models.
Most of the approaches used in this book are based on quantum field theory
and path integrals. Low-energy effective theory plays a central role in many of our
discussions. Even in the first part, I try to use more modern approaches to address
some old problems. I also try to emphasize some more modern topics in traditional
condensed matter physics. The second part covers very recent work. About half of
it comes from research work performed in the last few years. Some of the second
part is adapted from my research/review papers (while some research papers were
adapted from parts of this book).
The book is written in a way so as to stress the physical pictures and to stress the
development of thoughts and ideas. I do not seek to present the material in a neat
and compact mathematical form. The calculations and the results are presented
in a way which aims to expose their physical pictures. Instead of sweeping ugly
assumptions under the rug, I try to expose them. I also stress the limitations of
some common approaches by exposing (instead of hiding) the incorrect results
obtained by those approaches.
Instead of covering many different systems and many different phenomena,
only a few simple systems are covered in this book. Through those simple systems,
we discuss a wide range of physical ideas, concepts, and methods in condensed
matter theory. The texts in smaller font are remarks or more advanced topics,
which can be omitted in the first reading.
Another feature of this book is that I tend to question and expose some
basic ideas and pictures in many-body physics and, more generally, in theoretical
physics, such as 'what are fermions?', 'what are gauge bosons?', the idea of
phase transition and symmetry breaking, 'is an order always described by an order
parameter?', etc. Here, we take nothing for granted. I hope that those discussions
will encourage readers to look beyond the nice mathematical formulations that
wrap many physical ideas, and to realize the ugliness and arbitrariness of some
physical concepts.
As mathematical formalisms become more and more beautiful, it is increasingly
easy to be trapped by the formalism and to become a 'slave' to the formalism.
We used to be 'slaves' to Newton's laws when we regarded everything as a collection
of particles. After the discovery of quantum theory,4 we become 'slaves'
to quantum field theory. At the moment, we want to use quantum field theory
to explain everything and our education does not encourage us to look beyond
quantum field theory.
However, to make revolutionary advances in physics, we cannot allow our
imagination to be trapped by the formalism. We cannot allow the formalism to
define the boundary of our imagination. The mathematical formalism is simply a
tool or a language that allows us to describe and communicate our imagination.
Sometimes, when you have a new idea or a new thought, you might find that you
cannot say anything. Whatever you say is wrong because the proper mathematics
or the proper language with which to describe the new idea or the new thought
have yet to be invented. Indeed, really new physical ideas usually require a new
mathematical formalism with which to describe them. This reminds me of a story
about a tribe. The tribe only has four words for counting: one, two, three, and
many-many. Imagine that a tribe member has an idea about two apples plus two
apples and three apples plus three apples. He will have a hard time explaining
his theory to other tribe members. This should be your feeling when you have a
truly new idea. Although this book is entitled Quantum field theory of many-body
systems, I hope that after reading the book the reader will see that quantum field
theory is not everything. Nature's richness is not bounded by quantum field theory.
I would like to thank Margaret O'Meara for her proof-reading of many chapters
of the book. I would also like to thank Anthony Zee, Michael Levin, Bas
Overbosch, Ying Ran, Tiago Ribeiro, and Fei-Lin Wang for their comments and
suggestions. Last, but not least, I would like to thank the copy-editor Dr. Julie
Harris for her efforts in editing and polishing this book.
Lexington, MA Xiao-Gang Wen
October, 2003

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-24, 14:46

1.1 More is different
• The collective excitations of a many-body system can be viewed as particles.
However, the properties of those particles can be very different from the
properties of the particles that form the many-body system.
• Guessing is better than deriving.
• Limits of classical computing.
• Our vacuum is just a special material.
A quantitative change can lead to a qualitative change. This philosophy is
demonstrated over and over again in systems that contain many particles (or many
degrees of freedom), such as solids and liquids. The physical principles that govern
a system of a few particles can be very different from the physical principles
that govern the collective motion of many-body systems. New physical concepts
(such as the concepts of fermions and gauge bosons) and new physical laws and
principles (such as the law of electromagnetisnl) can arise from the correlations of
many particles (see Chapter 10).
Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics which studies systems of many
particles in the 'condensed' (i.e. solid or liquid) states. The starting-point of current
condensed matter theory is the Schrodinger equation that governs the motion of a
number of particles (such as electrons and nuclei). The Schrodinger equation is
mathematically complete. In principle, we can obtain all of the properties of any
many-body system by solving the corresponding Schrodinger equation.
However, in practice, the required computing power is immense. In the 1980s,
a workstation with 32 Mbyte RAM could solve a system of eleven interacting electrons.
After twenty years the computing power has increased by 100-fold, which
allows us to solve a system with merely two more electrons. The computing power
required to solve a typical system of 1023 interacting electrons is beyond the imagination
of the human brain. A classical computer made by all of the atoms in our
universe would not be powerful enough to handle the problem/' Such an impossible
computer could only solve the Schrodinger equation for merely about 100
particles.6 We see that an generic interacting many-body system is an extremely
complex system. Practically, it is impossible to deduce all of its exact properties
from the Schrodinger equation. So, even if the Schrodinger equation is the correct
theory for condensed matter systems, it may not always be helpful for obtaining
physical properties of an interacting many-body system.
Even if we do get the exact solution of a generic interacting many-body system,
very often the result is so complicated that it is almost impossible to understand
it in full detail. To appreciate the complexity of the result, let us consider a tiny
interacting system of 200 electrons. The energy eigenvalues of the system are distributed
in a range of about 200 eV. The system has at least 2200 energy levels. The
level spacing is about 200 eV/2200 = 10-60 eV. Had we spent a time equal to the
age of the universe in measuring the energy, then, due to the energy-time uncertainty
relation, we could only achieve an energy resolution of order 10-33 eV. We
see that the exact result of the interacting many-body system can be so complicated
that it is impossible to check its validity experimentally in full detail.7 To really
understand a system, we need to understand the connection and the relationship
between different phenomena of a system. Very often, the Schrodinger equation
does not directly provide such an understanding.
As we cannot generally directly use the Schrodinger equation to understand an
interacting system, we have to start from the beginning when we are faced with a
many-body system. We have to treat the many-body system as a black box, just
as we treat our mysterious and unknown universe. We have to guess a low-energy
effective theory that directly connects different experimental observations, instead
of deducing it from the Schrodinger equation. We cannot assume that the theory
that describes the low-energy excitations bears any resemblance to the theory that
describes the underlying electrons and nuclei.
This line of thinking is very similar to that of high-energy physics. Indeed,
the study of strongly-correlated many-body systems and the study of high-energy
physics share deep-rooted similarities. In both cases, one tries to find theories
that connect one observed experimental fact to another. (Actually, connecting one
observed experimental fact to another is almost the definition of a physical theory.)
One major difference is that in high-energy physics we only have one 'material'
(our vacuum) to study, while in condensed matter physics there are many different
materials which may contain new phenomena not present in our vacuum (such
as fractional statistics, non-abelian statistics, and gauge theories with all kinds of
gauge groups).

1.2 'Elementary' particles and physics laws are emergent phenomena
• Emergence—the first principle of many-body systems.
• Origin of 'elementary' particles.
• Origin of the 'beauty' of physics laws. (Why nature behaves reasonably.)
Historically, in our quest to understand nature, we have been misled by a fundamental
(and incorrect) assumption that the vacuum is empty. We have (incorrectly)
assumed that matter placed in a vacuum can always be divided into smaller parts.
We have been dividing matter into smaller and smaller parts, trying to discover
the smallest 'elementary' particles—the fundamental building block of our universe.
We have been believing that the physics laws that govern the 'elementary'
particles must be simple. The rich phenomena in nature come from these simple
physics laws.
However, many-body systems present a very different picture. At high energies
(or high temperatures) and short distances, the properties of the many-body
system are controlled by the interaction between the atoms/molecules that form
the system. The interaction can be very complicated and specific. As we lower
the temperature, depending on the form of the interaction between atoms, a crystal
structure or a superfluid state is formed. In a crystal or a superfluid, the only
low-energy excitations are collective motions of the atoms. Those excitations are
the sound waves. In quantum theory, all of the waves correspond to particles, and
the particle that corresponds to a sound wave is called a phonon.8 Therefore, at
low temperatures, a new 'world' governed by a new kind of particle—phonons—
emerges. The world of phonons is a simple and 'beautiful' world, which is very
different from the original system of atoms/molecules.
Let us explain what we mean by 'the world of phonons is simple and beautiful'.
For simplicity, we will concentrate on a superfluid. Although the interaction
between atoms in a gas can be complicated and specific, the properties of emergent
phonons at low energies are simple and universal. For example, all of the phonons
have an energy-independent velocity, regardless of the form of the interactions
between the atoms. The phonons pass through each other with little interaction
despite the strong interactions between the atoms. In addition to the phonons, the
superfluid also has another excitation called rotons. The rotons can interact with
each other by exchanging phonons, which leads to a dipolar interaction with a force
proportional to 1/r4. We see that not only are the phonons emergent, but even the
physics laws which govern the low-energy world of the phonons and rotons are
emergent. The emergent physics laws (such as the law of the dipolar interaction
and the law of non-interacting phonons) are simple and beautiful.
I regard the law of 1/r4 dipolar interaction to be beautiful because it is not
1/r3, or 1/r4-13, or one of billions of other choices. It is precisely 1/r4, and so
it is fascinating to understand why it has to be 1/r4. Similarly, the 1/r2 Coulomb
law is also beautiful and fascinating. We will explain the emergence of the law of
dipolar interaction in superfluids in the first half of this book and the emergence of
Coulomb's law in the second half of this book.
If our universe itself was a superfluid and the particles that form the superfluid
were yet to be discovered, then we would only know about low-energy phonons.
It would be very tempting to regard the phonon as an elementary particle and the
1/r4 dipolar interaction between the rotons as a fundamental law of nature. It is
hard to imagine that those phonons and the law of the 1/r4 dipolar interaction
come from the particles that are governed by a very different set of laws.
We see that in many-body systems the laws that govern the emergent lowenergy
collective excitations are simple, and those collective excitations behave
like particles. If we want to draw a connection between a many-body system and
our vacuum, then we should connect the low-energy collective excitations in the
many-body system to the 'elementary' particles (such as the photon and the electron)
in the vacuum. But, in the many-body system, the collective excitations are
not elementary. When we examine them at short length scales, a complicated nonuniversal
atomic/molecular system is revealed. Thus, in many-body systems we
have collective excitations (also called quasiparticles) at low energies, and those
collective excitations very often do not become the building blocks of the model at
high energies and short distances. The theory at the atomic scale is usually complicated,
specific, and unreasonable. The simplicity and the beauty of the physics
laws that govern the collective excitations do not come from the simplicity of the
atomic/molecular model, but from the fact that those laws have to allow the collective
excitations to survive at low energies. A generic interaction between collective
excitations may give those excitations a large energy gap, and those excitations will
be unobservable at low energies. The interactions (or physics laws) that allow gapless
(or almost gapless) collective excitations to exist must be very special—and
If we believe that our vacuum can be viewed as a special many-body material,
then we have to conclude that there are no 'elementary' particles. All of the
so-called 'elementary' particles in our vacuum are actually low-energy collective
excitations and they may not be the building blocks of the fundamental theory.
The fundamental theory and its building blocks at high energies9 and short distances
are governed by a different set of physical laws. According to the point of
view of emergence, those laws may be specific, non-universal, and complicated.
The beautiful world and reasonable physical laws at low energies and long distances
emerge as a result of a 'natural selection': the physical laws that govern the
low-energy excitations should allow those excitations to exist at low energies. In a
sense, the 'natural selection' explains why our world is reasonable.
Someone who knows both condensed matter physics and high-energy physics
may object to the above picture because our vacuum appears to be very different
from the solids and liquids that we know of. For example, our vacuum contains
Dirac fermions (such as electrons and quarks) and gauge bosons (such as light),
while solids and liquids seemingly do not contain these excitations. It appears
that light and electrons are fundamental and cannot be emergent. So, to apply
the picture of emergence in many-body systems to elementary particles, we have
to address the following question: can gauge bosons and Dirac fermions emerge
from a many-body system? Or, more interestingly, can gauge bosons and Dirac
fermions emerge from a many-boson system?
The fundamental issue here is where do fermions and gauge bosons come
from? What is the origin of light and fermions? Can light and fermions be an
emergent phenomenon? We know that massless (or gapless) particles are very rare
in nature. If they exist, then they must exist for a reason. But what is the reason
behind the existence of the massless photons and nearly massless fermions (such
as electrons)? (The electron mass is smaller than the natural scale—the Planck
mass—by a factor of 1022 and can be regarded as zero for our purpose.) Can
many-body systems provide an answer to the above questions?
In the next few sections we will discuss some basic notions in many-body systems.
In particular, we will discuss the notion that leads to gapless excitations and
the notion that leads to emergent gauge bosons and fermions from local bosonic
models. We will see that massless photons and massless fermions can be emergent

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-26, 13:12

1.3 Corner-stones of condensed matter physics
• Landau's symmetry-breaking theory (plus the renormalization group theory)
and Landau's Fermi liquid theory form the foundation of traditional
condensed matter physics.
The traditional many-body theory is based on two corner-stones, namely
Landau's Fermi liquid theory and Landau's symmetry-breaking theory (Landau,
1937; Ginzburg and Landau, 1950). The Fermi liquid theory is a perturbation
theory around a particular type of ground state—the states obtained by filling
single-particle energy levels. It describes metals, semiconductors, magnets, superconductors,
and superfluids. Landau's symmetry-breaking theory points out that
the reason that different phases are different is because they have different symmetries.
A phase transition is simply a transition that changes the symmetry. Landau's
symmetry-breaking theory describes almost all of the known phases, such as soh'd
phases, ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic phases, superfluid phases, etc., and
all of the phase transitions between them.
Instead of the origin of light and fermions, let us first consider a simpler problem
of the origin of phonons. Using Landau's symmetry-breaking theory, we can
understand the origin of the gapless phonon. In Landau's symmetry-breaking theory,
a phase can have gapless excitations if the ground state of the system has a
special property called spontaneous breaking of the continuous symmetry (Nambu,
1960; Goldstone, 1961). Gapless phonons exist in a solid because the solid breaks
the continuous translation symmetries. There are precisely three kinds of gapless
phonons because the solid breaks three translation symmetries in the x, y, and z
directions. Thus, we can say that the origin of gapless phonons is the translational
symmetry breaking in solids.
It is quite interesting to see that our understanding of a gapless excitation—
phonon—is rooted in our understanding of the phases of matter. Knowing light to
be a massless excitation, one may perhaps wonder if light, just like a phonon,
is also a Nambu-Goldstone mode from a broken symmetry. However, experiments
tell us that a gauge boson, such as light, is really different from a
Nambu-Goldstone mode in 3 + 1 dimensions.
In the late 1970s, we felt that we understood, at least in principle, all of the
physics about phases and phase transitions. In Landau's symmetry-breaking theory,
if we start with a purely bosonic model, then the only way to get gapless
excitations is via spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry, which will
lead to gapless scalar bosonic excitations. It seems that there is no way to obtain
gapless gauge bosons and gapless fermions from symmetry breaking. This may
be the reason why people think that our vacuum (with massless gauge bosons
and nearly-gapless fermions) is very different from bosonic many-body systems
(which were believed to contain only gapless scalar bosonic collective excitations,
such as phonons). It seems that there does not exist any order that gives rise to
massless light and massless fermions. Due to this, we put light and fermions into a
different category to phonons. We regard them as elementary and introduce them
by hand into our theory of nature.
However, if we really believe that light and fermions, just like phonons, exist
for a reason, then such a reason must be a certain order in our vacuum that protects
their masslessness.10 Now the question is what kind of order can give rise to light
and fermions, and protect their masslessness? From this point of view, the very
existence of light and fermions indicates that our understanding of the states of
matter is incomplete. We should deepen and expand our understanding of the states
of matter. There should be new states of matter that contain new kinds of orders.
The new orders will produce light and fermions, and protect their masslessness.

1.4 Topological order and quantum order
• There is a new world beyond Landau's theories. The new world is rich and
Our understanding of this new kind of order starts at an unexpected place—
fractional quantum Hall (FQH) systems. The FQH states discovered in 1982
(Tsui et aL, 1982; Laughlin, 1983) opened a new chapter in condensed mat
physics. What is really new in FQH states is that we have lost the two cornerstones
of the traditional many-body theory. Landau's Fermi liquid theory does
not apply to quantum Hall systems due to the strong interactions and correlations
in those systems. What is more striking is that FQH systems contain many different
phases at zero temperature which have the same symmetry. Thus, those
phases cannot be distinguished by symmetries and cannot be described by Landau's
symmetry-breaking theory. We suddenly find that we have nothing in the
traditional many-body theory that can be used to tackle the new problems. Thus,
theoretical progress in the field of strongly-correlated systems requires the introduction
of new mathematical techniques and physical concepts, which go beyond
the Fermi liquid theory and Landau's symmetry-breaking principle.
In the field of strongly-correlated systems, the developments in high-energy
particle theory and in condensed matter theory really feed upon each other. We
have seen a lot of field theory techniques, such as the nonlinear a-model, gauge
theory, bosonization, current algebra, etc., being introduced into the research of
strongly-correlated systems and random systems. This results in a very rapid development
of the field and new theories beyond the Fermi liquid theory and Landau's
symmetry-breaking theory. This book is an attempt to cover some of these new
developments in condensed matter theory.
One of the new developments is the introduction of quantum/topological order.
As FQH states cannot be described by Landau's symmetry-breaking theory, it was
proposed that FQH states contain a new kind of order—topological order (Wen,
1990, 1995). Topological order is new because it cannot be described by symmetry
breaking, long-range correlation, or local order parameters. None of the
usual tools that we used to characterize a phase apply to topological order. Despite
this, topological order is not an empty concept because it can be characterized
by a new set of tools, such as the number of degenerate ground states (Haldane
and Rezayi, 1985), quasiparticle statistics (Arovas et al, 1984), and edge states
(Halperin, 1982; Wen, 1992).
It was shown that the ground-state degeneracy of a topologically-ordered state
is robust against any perturbations (Wen and Niu, 1990). Thus, the ground-state
degeneracy is a universal property that can be used to characterize a phase. The
existence of topologically-degenerate ground states proves the existence of topological
order. Topological degeneracy can also be used to perform fault-tolerant
quantum computations (Kitaev, 2003).
The concept of topological order was recently generalized to quantum order
(Wen, 2002c) to describe new kinds of orders in gapless quantum states. One
way to understand quantum order is to see how it fits into a general classification
scheme of orders (see Fig. 1.1). First, different orders can be divided into
two classes: symmetry-breaking orders and non-symmetry-breaking orders. The
symmetry-breaking orders can be described by a local order parameter and can
be said to contain a condensation of point-like objects. The amplitude of the
condensation corresponds to the order parameter. All of the symmetry-breaking
orders can be understood in terms of Landau's symmetry-breaking theory. The
non-symmetry-breaking orders cannot be described by symmetry breaking, nor
by the related local order parameters and long-range correlations. Thus, they are
a new kind of order. If a quantum system (a state at zero temperature) contains
a non-symmetry-breaking order, then the system is said to contain a non-trivial
quantum order. We see that a quantum order is simply a non-symmetry-breaking
order in a quantum system.
Quantum orders can be further divided into many subclasses. If a quantum
state is gapped, then the corresponding quantum order will be called the topological
order. The low-energy effective theory of a topologically-ordered state will
be a topological field theory (Witten, 1989). The second class of quantum orders
appears in Fermi liquids (or free fermion systems). The different quantum orders
in Fermi liquids are classified by the Fermi su***ce topology (Lif***z, 1960). The
third class of quantum orders arises from a condensation of nets of strings (or simply
string-net condensation) (Wen, 2003a; Levin and Wen, 2003; Wen, 2003b).
This class of quantum orders shares some similarities with the symmetry-breaking
orders of 'particle' condensation.
We know that different symmetry-breaking orders can be classified by symmetry
groups. Using group theory, we can classify all of the 230 crystal orders
in three dimensions. The symmetry also produces and protects gapless collective
excitations—the Nambu-Goldstone bosons—above the symmetry-breaking
ground state. Similarly, different string-net condensations (and the corresponding
quantum orders) can be classified by mathematical object called projective symmetry
group (PSG) (Wen, 2002c). Using PSG, we can classify over 100 different
two-dimensional spin liquids that all have the same symmetry. Just like the symmetry
group, the PSG can also produce and protect gapless excitations. However,
unlike the symmetry group, the PSG produces and protects gapless gauge bosons
and fermions (Wen, 2002a,c; Wen and Zee, 2002). Because of this, we can say
that light and tnassless fermions can have a unified origin; they can emerge from
string-net condensations.
In light of the classification of the orders in Fig. 1.1, this book can be divided
into two parts. The first part (Chapters 3-5) deals with the symmetry-breaking
orders from 'particle' condensations. We develop the effective theory and study
the physical properties of the gapless Nambu-Goldstone modes from the fluctuations
of the order parameters. This part describes 'the origin of sound' and other
Nambu-Goldstone modes. It also describes the origin of the law of the 1/V4 dipolar
interaction between rotons in a superfluid. The second part (Chapters 7-10)
deals with the quantum/topological orders and string-net condensations. Again,
we develop the effective theory and study the physical properties of low-energy
collective modes. However, in this case, the collective modes come from the fluctuations
of condensed string-nets and give rise to gauge bosons and fermions. So,
the second part provides 'an origin of light and electrons', as well as other gauge
bosons and fermions. It also provides an origin of the 1/r2 Coulomb law (or, more
generally, the law of electromagnetism).

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-26, 14:50

1.5 Origin of light and fermions
• The string-net condensation provides an answer to the origin of light and
fermions. It unifies gauge interactions and Fermi statistics.
We used to believe that, to have light and fermions in our theory, we have to
introduce by hand a fundamental U(l) gauge field and anti-commuting fermion
fields, because at that time we did not know of any collective modes that behave
like gauge bosons and fermions. However, due to the advances over the last twenty
years, we now know how to construct local bo sonic systems that have emergent
unconfined gauge bosons and/or fermions (Foerster et al, 1980; Kalmeyer and
Laughlin, 1987; Wen et al., 1989; Read and Sachdev, 1991; Wen, 1991a; Moessner
and Sondhi, 2001; Motrunich and Senthil, 2002; Wen, 2002a; Kitaev, 2003;
Levin and Wen, 2003). In particular, one can construct ugly bosonic spin models
on a cubic lattice whose low-energy effective theory is the beautiful quantum electrodynamics
(QED) and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with emergent photons,
electrons, quarks, and gluons (Wen, 2003b).
This raises the following issue: do light and fermions in nature come from a
fundamental U(l) gauge field and anti-commuting fields as in the U(l) x SU(2) x
SU(3) standard model, or do they come from a particular quantum order in our
vacuum? Is Coulomb's law a fundamental law of nature or just an emergent phenomenon?
Clearly, it is more natural to assume that light and fermions, as well as
Coulomb's law, come from a quantum order in our vacuum. From the connections
between string-net condensation, quantum order, and massless gauge/fermion
excitations, we see that string-net condensation provides a way to unify light and
fermions. It is very tempting to propose the following possible answers to the three
fundamental questions about light and fermions.
What are light and fermions?
Light is the fluctuation of condensed string-nets (of arbitrary sizes). Fermions are
ends of condensed strings.
Where do light and fermions come from?
Light and fermions come from the collective motions of string-nets that fill the
space(see Fig. 1.2).
Why do light and fermions exist?
Light and fermions exist because our vacuum happens to have a property called
string-net condensation.
Had our vacuum chosen to have 'particle' condensation, then there would be
only Nambu-Goldstone bosons at low energies. Such a universe would be very
boring. String-net condensation and the resulting light and fermions provide a
much more interesting universe, at least interesting enough to support intelligent
life to study the origin of light and fermions.

1.6 Novelty is more important than correctness
• The Dao that can be stated cannot be eternal Dao. The Name that can be
named cannot be eternal Name. The Nameless is the origin of universe. The
Named is the mother of all matter.11
• What can be stated cannot be novel. What cannot be stated cannot be correct.
In this introduction (and in some parts of this book), I hope to give the reader
a sense of where we come from, where we stand, and where we are heading in
theoretical condensed matter physics. I am not trying to summarize the generally
accepted opinions here. Instead, I am trying to express my personal and purposely
exaggerated opinions on many fundamental issues in condensed matter physics
and high-energy physics. These opinions and pictures may not be correct, but I
hope they are stimulating. From our experience of the history of physics, we can
safely assume that none of the current physical theories are completely correct.
(According to Lao Zi, the theory that can be written down cannot be the eternal
theory, because it is limited by the mathematical symbols that we used to write
down the theory.) The problem is to determine in which way the current theories
are wrong and how to fix them. Here we need a lot of imagination and stimulation.

1.7 Remarks: evolution of the concept of elementary particles
• As time goes by, the status of elementary particles is downgraded from the
building blocks of everything to merely collective modes of, possibly, a lowly
bosonic model.
The Earth used to be regarded as the center of the universe. As times went by, its
status was reduced to merely one of the billions of planets in the universe. It appears that
the concept of elementary particles may have a similar fate.
At the beginning of human civilization, people realized that things can be divided into
smaller and smaller parts. Chinese philosophers theorized that the division could be continued
indefinitely, and hence that there were no elementary particles. Greek philosophers
assumed that the division could not be continued indefinitely. As a result, there exist ultimate
and indivisible particles—the building blocks of all matter. This may be the first concept of
elementary particles. Those ultimate particles were called atomos. A significant amount of
scientific research has been devoted to finding these atomos.
Around 1900, chemists discovered that all matter is formed from a few dozen different
kinds of particles. People jumped the gun and named them atoms. After the discovery of
the electron, people realized that elementary particles are smaller than atoms. Now, many
people believe that photons, electrons, quarks, and a few other particles are elementary
particles. Those particles are described by a field theory which is called the U( 1) x 577(2) x
577(3) standard model.
Although the £7(1) x 577(2) x SU(3) standard model is a very successful theory, now
most high-energy physicists believe that it is not the ultimate theory of everything. The
[/(I) x 577(2) x 577(3) standard model may be an effective theory that emerges from a
deeper structure. The question is from which structure may the standard model emerge?
One proposal is the grand unified theories in which the [/(I) x 577(2) x 577(3) gauge
group is promoted to 5(7(5) or even bigger gauge groups (Georgi and Glashow, 1974). The
grand unified theories group the particles in the (7(1) x SU(2) x 577(3) standard model
into very nice and much simpler structures. However, I would like to remark that I do not
regard the photon, electron, and other elementary particles to be emergent within the grand
unified theories. In the grand unified theories, the gauge structure and the Fermi statistics
were fundamental in the sense that the only way to have gauge bosons and fermions was to
introduce vector gauge fields and anti-commuting fermion fields. Thus, to have the photon,
electron, and other elementary particles, we had to introduce by hand the corresponding
gauge fields and fermion fields. Therefore, the gauge bosons and fermions were added by
hand into the grand unified theories; they did not emerge from a simpler structure.
The second proposal is the superstring theory (Green et a/., 1988; Polchinski, 1998).
Certain superstring models can lead to the effective (7(1) x SU(2) x 577(3) standard model
plus many additional (nearly) massless excitations. The gauge bosons and the graviton
are emergent because the superstring theory itself contains no gauge fields. However, the
Fermi statistics are not emergent. The electron and quarks come from the anti-commuting
fermion fields on a (1 + l)-dimensional world sheet. We see that, in the superstring theory,
the gauge bosons and the gauge structures are not fundamental, but the Fermi statistics
and the fermions are still fundamental.
Recently, people realized that there might be a third possibility—string-net condensation.
Banks et al. (1977) and Foerster ef a/. (1980) first pointed out that light can emerge as
low-energy collective modes of a local bosonic model. Levin and Wen (2003) pointed out
that even three-dimensional fermions can emerge from a local bosonic model as the ends
of condensed strings. Combining the two results, we find that the photon, electron, quark,
and gluon (or, more precisely, the QED and the QCD part of the 17(1) x SU(2) x 577(3) standard
model) can emerge from a local bosonic model (Wen, 2002a, 2003b) if the bosonic
model has a string-net condensation. This proposal is attractive because the gauge bosons
and fermions have a unified origin. In the string-net condensation picture, neither the
gauge structure nor the Fermi statistics are fundamental; all of the elementary particles
are emergent.
However, the third proposal also has a problem: we do not yet know how to produce the
SU(2) part of the standard model due to the chiral fermion problem. There are five deep
mysteries in nature, namely, identical particles, Fermi statistics, gauge structure, chiral
fermions, and gravity. The string-net condensation only provides an answer to the first three
mysteries; there are two more to go.

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-27, 14:15

This book is about the quantum behavior of many-body systems. However, the
standard formulation of the quantum theory in terms of wave functions and the
Schrodinger equation is not suitable for many-body systems. In this chapter, we
introduce a semiclassical picture and path integral formalism for quantum theory.
The path integral formalism can be easily applied to many-body systems. Here,
we will use one-particle systems as concrete examples to develop the formalism.
We will also apply a path integral formalism to study quantum friction, simple
quantum circuits, etc.

2.1 Semiclassical picture and path integral
• A semiclassical picture and a path integral formulation allow us to visualize
quantum behavior. They give us a global view of a quantum system.
When we are thinking of a physical problem or trying to understand a phenomenon,
it is very important to have a picture in our mind to mentally visualize
the connection between different pieces of a puzzle. Mental visualization is easier
when we consider a classical system because the picture of a classical system is
quite close to what we actually see in our everyday life. However, when we consider
a quantum system, visualization is much harder. This is because the quantum
world does not resemble what we see every day. In the classical world, we see
various objects. With a little abstraction, we view these objects as collections
of particles. The concept of a particle is the most important concept in classical
physics. It is so simple and plain that people take it for granted and do not bother
to formulate a physical law to state such an obvious truth. However, it is this obvious
truth which turns out to be false in the quantum world. The concept of a particle
with a position and velocity simply does not exist in the quantum world. So, the
challenge is how to visualize anything in the quantum world where the concept of
a particle (i.e. the building block of objects) does not exist.
The path integral formalism is an attempt to use a picture of the classical world
to describe the quantum world. In other words, it is a bridge between the classical
world (where we have our experiences and pictures) and the quantum world (which
represents realities). The path integral formalism will help us to visualize quantum
behavior in terms of the pictures of corresponding classical systems.

2.1.1 Propagator of a particle
• Concept of a propagator.
• The pole structure of a propagator in ui space.

2.1.2 Path integral representation of the propagator
• The path integral is a particular representation of the law of superposition in
quantum physics.
The spirit of the path integral formulation of a quantum system is very simple.
Consider that a particle propagates from position lxa} to position |xf,) via an intermediate
state 2.1.2 Path integral representation of the propagator
• The path integral is a particular representation of the law of superposition in
quantum physics.
The spirit of the path integral formulation of a quantum system is very simple.
Consider that a particle propagates from position lxa} to position |xf,) via an intermediate
state ln), n = 1,2,.... Let the amplitude from |.xa) to lXb) via state ln)
be given by An; then the total amplitude from lxa} to lxb} is J]n An. Now imagine
that we divide the propagation from lxa} to lxb) into many time slices. Each
time slice has its own set of intermediate states. The propagation from lxa) to lxb)
can be viewed as the sum of the paths that go through the intermediate states on
each time slice. This leads to a picture of the path integral representation of the
propagation amplitude.

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-29, 14:02

Path integral formulation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ltr]This article is about a formulation of quantum mechanics. For integrals along a path, also known as line or contour integrals, see line integral.[/ltr]

[th]Quantum mechanics[/th][ltr]
The path integral formulation ofquantum mechanics is a description of quantum theory which generalizes the action principle ofclassical mechanics. It replaces the classical notion of a single, unique trajectory for a system with a sum, or functional integral, over an infinity of possible trajectories to compute a quantum amplitude.
The basic idea of the path integral formulation can be traced back toNorbert Wiener, who introduced theWiener integral for solving problems in diffusion and Brownian motion.[1] This idea was extended to the use of the Lagrangian in quantum mechanics by P. A. M. Dirac in his 1933 paper.[2] The complete method was developed in 1948 by Richard Feynman. Some preliminaries were worked out earlier, in the course of hisdoctoral thesis work with John Archibald Wheeler. The original motivation stemmed from the desire to obtain a quantum-mechanical formulation for the Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory using a Lagrangian (rather than aHamiltonian) as a starting point.
This formulation has proven crucial to the subsequent development oftheoretical physics, because it is manifestly symmetric between time and space. Unlike previous methods, the path-integral allows a physicist to easily change coordinates between very different canonical descriptions of the same quantum system.
The path integral also relates quantum and stochastic processes, and this provided the basis for the grand synthesis of the 1970s which unifiedquantum field theory with the statistical field theory of a fluctuating field near a second-order phase transition. The Schrödinger equation is adiffusion equation with an imaginary diffusion constant, and the path integral is an analytic continuation of a method for summing up all possiblerandom walks. For this reason path integrals were used in the study ofBrownian motion and diffusion a while before they were introduced in quantum mechanics.[3][/ltr]

Condensed Matter Physics 250px-Three_paths_from_A_to_B

Condensed Matter Physics Magnify-clip
These are just three of the paths that contribute to the quantum amplitude for a particle moving from point A at some time t0to point B at some other time t1.



Quantum action principle[edit]
In quantum mechanics, as in classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian is the generator of time-translations. This means that the state at a slightly later time differs from the state at the current time by the result of acting with the Hamiltonian operator (multiplied by the negative imaginary unit, −i). For states with a definite energy, this is a statement of the De Broglie relationbetween frequency and energy, and the general relation is consistent with that plus the superposition principle.
But the Hamiltonian in classical mechanics is derived from a Lagrangian, which is a more fundamental quantity relative to special relativity. The Hamiltonian tells you how to march forward in time, but the time is different in different reference frames. So the Hamiltonian is different in different frames, and this type of symmetry is not apparent in the original formulation of quantum mechanics.
The Hamiltonian is a function of the position and momentum at one time, and it tells you the position and momentum a little later. The Lagrangian is a function of the position now and the position a little later (or, equivalently for infinitesimal time separations, it is a function of the position and velocity). The relation between the two is by a Legendre transform, and the condition that determines the classical equations of motion (the Euler–Lagrange equations) is that the action is a minimum.
In quantum mechanics, the Legendre transform is hard to interpret, because the motion is not over a definite trajectory. So what does the Legendre transform mean? In classical mechanics, with discretization in time,
Condensed Matter Physics 95a71c0808dde6d9a7813db8e55577ec
Condensed Matter Physics Be8d9c0ec1a1d4a4ece1db72b3df9fd4
where the partial derivative with respect to q holds q(t + ε) fixed. The inverse Legendre transform is:
Condensed Matter Physics 3d146c2573fa129b4f7627a923fa974c
Condensed Matter Physics D98e0e899f533063eb93c1df98bb8139
and the partial derivative now is with respect to p at fixed q.
In quantum mechanics, the state is a superposition of different states with different values of q, or different values of p, and the quantities p and qcan be interpreted as noncommuting operators. The operator p is only definite on states that are indefinite with respect to q. So consider two states separated in time and act with the operator corresponding to the Lagrangian:
Condensed Matter Physics 34c20dd46394d316f1e939e2f6d8d395
If the multiplications implicit in this formula are reinterpreted as matrix multiplications, what does this mean?
It can be given a meaning as follows: The first factor is
Condensed Matter Physics Cb8fae7b24d4e88ea213f844fd29a92a
If this is interpreted as doing a matrix multiplication, the sum over all states integrates over all q(t), and so it takes the Fourier transform in q(t), to change basis to p(t). That is the action on the Hilbert space – change basis to p at time t.
Next comes:
Condensed Matter Physics 5b1e436239f1a4e94ec002ff45c11072
or evolve an infinitesimal time into the future.
Finally, the last factor in this interpretation is
Condensed Matter Physics Fd81f560dcbcdaf1dbe15689ce4ef328
which means change basis back to q at a later time.
This is not very different from just ordinary time evolution: the H factor contains all the dynamical information – it pushes the state forward in time. The first part and the last part are just doing Fourier transforms to change to a pure q basis from an intermediate p basis.
Another way of saying this is that since the Hamiltonian is naturally a function of p and q, exponentiating this quantity and changing basis from pto q at each step allows the matrix element of H to be expressed as a simple function along each path. This function is the quantum analog of the classical action. This observation is due to Paul Dirac.[/ltr]

"...we see that the integrand in (11) must be of the form eiF/h where F is a function ofqT,q1,q2 ... qm,qt, which remains finite as h tends to zero. Let us now picture one of the intermediate qs, say qk, as varying continuously while the other ones are fixed. Owing to the smallness of h, we shall then in general have F/h varying extremely rapidly. This means thateiF/h will vary periodically with a very high frequency about the value zero, as a result of which its integral will be practically zero. The only important part in the domain of integration of qk is thus that for which a comparatively large variation in qk produces only a very small variation in F. This part is the neighbourhood of a point for which F is stationary with respect to small variations in qk. We can apply this argument to each of the variables of integration ....and obtain the result that the only important part in the domain of integration is that for which F is stationary for small variations in all intermediate qs. ...We see that F has for its classical analoguet
 L dt
, which is just the action function which classical mechanics requires to be stationary for small variations in all the intermediate qs. This shows the way in which equation (11) goes over into classical results when h becomes extremely small."

Dirac (1932) op. cit., p. 69

Dirac further noted that one could square the time-evolution operator in the S representation
Condensed Matter Physics F1319662479aa5746c455097fc0c1b87
and this gives the time evolution operator between time t and time t + 2ε. While in the H representation the quantity that is being summed over the intermediate states is an obscure matrix element, in the S representation it is reinterpreted as a quantity associated to the path. In the limit that one takes a large power of this operator, one reconstructs the full quantum evolution between two states, the early one with a fixed value of q(0) and the later one with a fixed value of q(t). The result is a sum over paths with a phase which is the quantum action. Crucially, Dirac identified in this paper the deep quantum mechanical reason for the principle of least action controlling the classical limit (see quote box).
Feynman's interpretation[edit]
Dirac's work did not provide a precise prescription to calculate the sum over paths, and he did not show that one could recover the Schrödinger equation or the canonical commutation relations from this rule. This was done by Feynman.[4]
Feynman showed that Dirac's quantum action was, for most cases of interest, simply equal to the classical action, appropriately discretized. This means that the classical action is the phase acquired by quantum evolution between two fixed endpoints. He proposed to recover all of quantum mechanics from the following postulates:[/ltr]

  1. The probability for an event is given by the modulus length squared of a complex number called the "probability amplitude".
  2. The probability amplitude is given by adding together the contributions of all paths in configuration space.
  3. The contribution of a path is proportional to Condensed Matter Physics 9ea4f0694fccc642c0de00b16b8b4d48. while S is theaction given by the time integral of the Lagrangian along the path.

In order to find the overall probability amplitude for a given process, then, one adds up, or integrates, the amplitude of postulate 3 over the space ofall possible paths of the system in between the initial and final states, including those that are absurd by classical standards. In calculating the amplitude for a single particle to go from one place to another in a given time, it is correct to include paths in which the particle describes elaboratecurlicues, curves in which the particle shoots off into outer space and flies back again, and so forth. The path integral assigns to all these amplitudes equal weight but varying phase, or argument of the complex number. Contributions from paths wildly different from the classical trajectory may be suppressed by interference (see below).
Feynman showed that this formulation of quantum mechanics is equivalent to the canonical approach to quantum mechanics when the Hamiltonian is quadratic in the momentum. An amplitude computed according to Feynman's principles will also obey the Schrödinger equation for theHamiltonian corresponding to the given action.
Concrete formulation[edit]
Feynman's postulates can be interpreted as follows:
Time-slicing definition[edit]
For a particle in a smooth potential, the path integral is approximated byzig-zag paths, which in one dimension is a product of ordinary integrals. For the motion of the particle from position xa at time ta to xb at time tb, the time sequence
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can be divided up into n + 1 little segments tj − tj − 1, where j = 1,...,n + 1, of fixed duration
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This process is called time-slicing.
An approximation for the path integral can be computed as proportional to
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where Condensed Matter Physics 10f8860b8aa2837fc8175e34b762036e is the Lagrangian of the 1d system with position variable x(t) and velocity v = (t) considered (see below), and dxjcorresponds to the position at the jth time step, if the time integral is approximated by a sum of n terms.[note 1]
In the limit n → ∞, this becomes a functional integral, which – apart from a nonessential factor – is directly the product of the probability amplitudes Condensed Matter Physics 6fc6ec82a22e89373a372b984479c3d4 – more precisely, since one must work with a continuous spectrum, the respective densities – to find the quantum mechanical particle at ta in the initial state xa and at tb in the final state xb.
Actually Condensed Matter Physics D20caec3b48a1eef164cb4ca81ba2587 is the classical Lagrangian of the one-dimensional system considered, also
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where Condensed Matter Physics C1d9f50f86825a1a2302ec2449c17196 is the Hamiltonian,
Condensed Matter Physics 9454f171ef06274e9cfaa4476885aa4c, and the above-mentioned "zigzagging" corresponds to the appearance of the terms:Condensed Matter Physics B9e57945bf1e8cc6c4ff62f6bbc87e68
In the Riemannian sum approximating the time integral, which are finally integrated over x1 to xn with the integration measure dx1...dxnj is an arbitrary value of the interval corresponding to j, e.g. its center, (xj + x− 1)/2.
Thus, in contrast to classical mechanics, not only does the stationary path contribute, but actually all virtual paths between the initial and the final point also contribute.[/ltr]

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The diagram shows the contribution to the path integral of a free particle for a set of paths.

Feynman's time-sliced approximation does not, however, exist for the most important quantum-mechanical path integrals of atoms, due to the singularity of the Coulomb potential e2/r at the origin. Only after replacing the timet by another path-dependent pseudo-time parameter
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the singularity is removed and a time-sliced approximation exists, that is exactly integrable, since it can be made harmonic by a simple coordinate transformation, as discovered in 1979 by İsmail Hakkı Duru and Hagen Kleinert.[5][6] The combination of a path-dependent time transformation and a coordinate transformation is an important tool to solve many path integrals and is called generically the Duru–Kleinert transformation.
Free particle[edit]
The path integral representation gives the quantum amplitude to go from point x to point y as an integral over all paths. For a free particle action (m= 1, ħ = 1):
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the integral can be evaluated explicitly.
To do this, it is convenient to start without the factor i in the exponential, so that large deviations are suppressed by small numbers, not by cancelling oscillatory contributions.
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Splitting the integral into time slices:
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where the Dx is interpreted as a finite collection of integrations at each integer multiple of ε. Each factor in the product is a Gaussian as a function of x(t + ε) centered at x(t) with variance ε. The multiple integrals are a repeated convolution of this Gaussian Gε with copies of itself at adjacent times.
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Where the number of convolutions is T/ε. The result is easy to evaluate by taking the Fourier transform of both sides, so that the convolutions become multiplications.
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The Fourier transform of the Gaussian G is another Gaussian of reciprocal variance:
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and the result is:
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The Fourier transform gives K, and it is a Gaussian again with reciprocal variance:
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The proportionality constant is not really determined by the time slicing approach, only the ratio of values for different endpoint choices is determined. The proportionality constant should be chosen to ensure that between each two time-slices the time-evolution is quantum-mechanically unitary, but a more illuminating way to fix the normalization is to consider the path integral as a description of a stochastic process.
The result has a probability interpretation. The sum over all paths of the exponential factor can be seen as the sum over each path of the probability of selecting that path. The probability is the product over each segment of the probability of selecting that segment, so that each segment is probabilistically independently chosen. The fact that the answer is a Gaussian spreading linearly in time is the central limit theorem, which can be interpreted as the first historical evaluation of a statistical path integral.
The probability interpretation gives a natural normalization choice. The path integral should be defined so that:
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This condition normalizes the Gaussian, and produces a Kernel which obeys the diffusion equation:
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For oscillatory path integrals, ones with an i in the numerator, the time-slicing produces convolved Gaussians, just as before. Now, however, the convolution product is marginally singular since it requires careful limits to evaluate the oscillating integrals. To make the factors well defined, the easiest way is to add a small imaginary part to the time increment Condensed Matter Physics C50b9e82e318d4c163e4b1b060f7daf5. This is closely related to Wick rotation. Then the same convolution argument as before gives the propagation kernel:
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Which, with the same normalization as before (not the sum-squares normalization – this function has a divergent norm), obeys a free Schrödinger equation
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This means that any superposition of K's will also obey the same equation, by linearity. Defining
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then ψt obeys the free Schrödinger equation just as K does:
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The Schrödinger equation[edit]
Main article: Relation between Schrödinger's equation and the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
The path integral reproduces the Schrödinger equation for the initial and final state even when a potential is present. This is easiest to see by taking a path-integral over infinitesimally separated times.
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Since the time separation is infinitesimal and the cancelling oscillations become severe for large values of , the path integral has most weight fory close to x. In this case, to lowest order the potential energy is constant, and only the kinetic energy contribution is nontrivial. The exponential of the action is
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The first term rotates the phase of ψ(x) locally by an amount proportional to the potential energy. The second term is the free particle propagator, corresponding to i times a diffusion process. To lowest order in ε they are additive; in any case one has with (1):
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As mentioned, the spread in ψ is diffusive from the free particle propagation, with an extra infinitesimal rotation in phase which slowly varies from point to point from the potential:
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and this is the Schrödinger equation. Note that the normalization of the path integral needs to be fixed in exactly the same way as in the free particle case. An arbitrary continuous potential does not affect the normalization, although singular potentials require careful treatment.
Equations of motion[edit]
Since the states obey the Schrödinger equation, the path integral must reproduce the Heisenberg equations of motion for the averages of x and variables, but it is instructive to see this directly. The direct approach shows that the expectation values calculated from the path integral reproduce the usual ones of quantum mechanics.
Start by considering the path integral with some fixed initial state
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Now note that x(t) at each separate time is a separate integration variable. So it is legitimate to change variables in the integral by shifting: Condensed Matter Physics 7eb40b4c4807c966b6e4890b0dd8e8ab where ε(t) is a different shift at each time but ε(0) = ε(T) = 0, since the endpoints are not integrated:
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The change in the integral from the shift is, to first infinitesimal order in epsilon:
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which, integrating by parts in t, gives:
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But this was just a shift of integration variables, which doesn't change the value of the integral for any choice of ε(t). The conclusion is that this first order variation is zero for an arbitrary initial state and at any arbitrary point in time:
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this is the Heisenberg equations of motion.
If the action contains terms which multiply  and x, at the same moment in time, the manipulations above are only heuristic, because the multiplication rules for these quantities is just as noncommuting in the path integral as it is in the operator formalism.
Stationary phase approximation[edit]
If the variation in the action exceeds ħ by many orders of magnitude, we typically have destructive phase interference other than in the vicinity of those trajectories satisfying the Euler–Lagrange equation, which is now reinterpreted as the condition for constructive phase interference.
Canonical commutation relations[edit]
The formulation of the path integral does not make it clear at first sight that the quantities x and p do not commute. In the path integral, these are just integration variables and they have no obvious ordering. Feynman discovered that the non-commutativity is still there.[7]
To see this, consider the simplest path integral, the brownian walk. This is not yet quantum mechanics, so in the path-integral the action is not multiplied by i:
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The quantity x(t) is fluctuating, and the derivative is defined as the limit of a discrete difference.
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Note that the distance that a random walk moves is proportional to √t, so that:
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This shows that the random walk is not differentiable, since the ratio that defines the derivative diverges with probability one.
The quantity x ẋ is ambiguous, with two possible meanings:
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In elementary calculus, the two are only different by an amount which goes to zero as ε goes to zero. But in this case, the difference between the two is not zero:
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give a name to the value of the difference for any one random walk:
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and note that f(t) is a rapidly fluctuating statistical quantity, whose average value is 1, i.e. a normalized "Gaussian process". The fluctuations of such a quantity can be described by a statistical Lagrangian
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and the equations of motion for f derived from extremizing the action Scorresponding to Condensed Matter Physics A5968d97f5f88f01dd80d099360d7e13 just set it equal to 1. In physics, such a quantity is "equal to 1 as an identity operator". In mathematics, it "weakly converges to 1". In either case, it is 1 in any expectation value, or when averaged over any interval, or for all practical purpose.
Defining the time order to be the operator order:
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This is called the Itō lemma in stochastic calculus, and the (euclideanized) canonical commutation relations in physics.
For a general statistical action, a similar argument shows that
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and in quantum mechanics, the extra imaginary unit in the action converts this to the canonical commutation relation,
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Particle in curved space[edit]
For a particle in curved space the kinetic term depends on the position and the above time slicing cannot be applied, this being a manifestation of the notorious operator ordering problem in Schrödinger quantum mechanics. One may, however, solve this problem by transforming the time-sliced flat-space path integral to curved space using a multivalued coordinate transformation (nonholonomic mapping explained here).
The path integral and the partition function[edit]
The path integral is just the generalization of the integral above to all quantum mechanical problems—
Condensed Matter Physics 2bb79e7f3c4af7168c1d1927f0a1c510  where  Condensed Matter Physics 27f7182b289c1929d0137625f731d88d
is the action of the classical problem in which one investigates the path starting at time t=0 and ending at time t = T, and Dx denotes integration over all paths. In the classical limit, Condensed Matter Physics D9a5012bf1b321a9ba371546793a032c, the path of minimum action dominates the integral, because the phase of any path away from this fluctuates rapidly and different contributions cancel.[8]
The connection with statistical mechanics follows. Considering only paths which begin and end in the same configuration, perform the Wick rotation t→ it, i.e., make time imaginary, and integrate over all possible beginning/ending configurations. The path integral now resembles thepartition function of statistical mechanics defined in a canonical ensemblewith temperature Condensed Matter Physics A5a62ba6963d68a3e2c993ab1dd97b4b. Strictly speaking, though, this is the partition function for a statistical field theory.
Clearly, such a deep analogy between quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics cannot be dependent on the formulation. In the canonical formulation, one sees that the unitary evolution operator of a state is given by
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where the state α is evolved from time t = 0. If one makes a Wick rotation here, and finds the amplitude to go from any state, back to the same state in (imaginary) time iT is given by
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which is precisely the partition function of statistical mechanics for the same system at temperature quoted earlier. One aspect of this equivalence was also known to Schrödinger who remarked that the equation named after him looked like the diffusion equation after Wick rotation.[/ltr]

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-29, 14:08

Measure theoretic factors[edit]

Sometimes (e.g. a particle moving in curved space) we also have measure-theoretic factors in the functional integral.
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This factor is needed to restore unitarity.

For instance, if
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then it means that each spatial slice is multiplied by the measure √g. This measure can't be expressed as a functional multiplying the Condensed Matter Physics 57efcf404777d6c2bc5d0f2d5464270c measure because they belong to entirely different classes.

Quantum field theory[edit]

[th]Quantum field theory[/th]
The path integral formulation was very important for the development of quantum field theory. Both the Schrödinger and Heisenberg approaches to quantum mechanics single out time, and are not in the spirit of relativity. For example, the Heisenberg approach requires that scalar field operators obey the commutation relation
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for x and y two simultaneous spatial positions, and this is not a relativistically invariant concept. The results of a calculation are covariant at the end of the day, but the symmetry is not apparent in intermediate stages. If *** field theory calculations did not produce infinite answers in the continuum limit, this would not have been such a big problem – it would just have been a bad choice of coordinates. But the lack of symmetry means that the infinite quantities must be cut off, and the bad coordinates make it nearly impossible to cut off the theory without spoiling the symmetry. This makes it difficult to extract the physical predictions, which require a careful limiting procedure.

The problem of lost symmetry also appears in classical mechanics, where the Hamiltonian formulation also superficially singles out time. The Lagrangian formulation makes the relativistic invariance apparent. In the same way, the path integral is manifestly relativistic. It reproduces the Schrödinger equation, the Heisenberg equations of motion, and the canonical commutation relations and shows that they are compatible with relativity. It extends the Heisenberg type operator algebra to operator product rules which are new relations difficult to see in the old formalism.

Further, different choices of canonical variables lead to very different seeming formulations of the same theory. The transformations between the variables can be very complicated, but the path integral makes them into reasonably straightforward changes of integration variables. For these reasons, the Feynman path integral has made earlier formalisms largely obsolete.

The price of a path integral representation is that the unitarity of a theory is no longer self-evident, but it can be proven by changing variables to some canonical representation. The path integral itself also deals with larger mathematical spaces than is usual, which requires more careful mathematics not all of which has been fully worked out. The path integral historically was not immediately accepted, partly because it took many years to incorporate fermions properly. This required physicists to invent an entirely new mathematical object – the Grassmann variable – which also allowed changes of variables to be done naturally, as well as allowingconstrained quantization.

The integration variables in the path integral are subtly non-commuting. The value of the product of two field operators at what looks like the same point depends on how the two points are ordered in space and time. This makes some *** identities fail.

The propagator[edit]

In relativistic theories, there is both a particle and field representation for every theory. The field representation is a sum over all field configurations, and the particle representation is a sum over different particle paths.

The nonrelativistic formulation is traditionally given in terms of particle paths, not fields. There, the path integral in the usual variables, with fixed boundary conditions, gives the probability amplitude for a particle to go from point x to point y in time T.
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This is called the propagator. Superposing different values of the initial position Condensed Matter Physics 9dd4e461268c8034f5c8564e155c67a6 with an arbitrary initial state Condensed Matter Physics 5734926bdc275d70a6abc4dad5651ea6 constructs the final state.
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For a spatially homogeneous system, where K(x, y) is only a function of (x − y), the integral is a convolution, the final state is the initial state convolved with the propagator.
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For a free particle of mass m, the propagator can be evaluated either explicitly from the path integral or by noting that the Schrödinger equation is a diffusion equation in imaginary time and the solution must be a normalized Gaussian:
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Taking the Fourier transform in (x − y) produces another Gaussian:
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and in p-space the proportionality factor here is constant in time, as will be verified in a moment. The Fourier transform in time, extending K(p; T) to be zero for negative times, gives the Green's Function, or the frequency space propagator:
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Which is the reciprocal of the operator which annihilates the wavefunction in the Schrödinger equation, which wouldn't have come out right if the proportionality factor weren't constant in the p-space representation.

The infinitesimal term in the denominator is a small positive number which guarantees that the inverse Fourier transform in E will be nonzero only for future times. For past times, the inverse Fourier transform contour closes toward values of E where there is no singularity. This guarantees that K propagates the particle into the future and is the reason for the subscript on G. The infinitesimal term can be interpreted as an infinitesimal rotation toward imaginary time.

It is also possible to reexpress the nonrelativistic time evolution in terms of propagators which go toward the past, since the Schrödinger equation is time-reversible. The past propagator is the same as the future propagator except for the obvious difference that it vanishes in the future, and in the gaussian t is replaced by (−t). In this case, the interpretation is that these are the quantities to convolve the final wavefunction so as to get the initial wavefunction.
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Given the nearly identical only change is the sign of E and ε. The parameter E in the Green's function can either be the energy if the paths are going toward the future, or the negative of the energy if the paths are going toward the past.

For a nonrelativistic theory, the time as measured along the path of a moving particle and the time as measured by an outside observer are the same. In relativity, this is no longer true. For a relativistic theory the propagator should be defined as the sum over all paths which travel between two points in a fixed proper time, as measured along the path. These paths describe the trajectory of a particle in space and in time.
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The integral above is not trivial to interpret, because of the square root. Fortunately, there is a heuristic trick. The sum is over the relativistic arclength of the path of an oscillating quantity, and like the nonrelativistic path integral should be interpreted as slightly rotated into imaginary time. The function Condensed Matter Physics Fb6dbac04b4d4503ae3c13d82ca72f46 can be evaluated when the sum is over paths in Euclidean space.
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This describes a sum over all paths of length Condensed Matter Physics 50f938a6225b8b9a0e3ee16f22165079 of the exponential of minus the length. This can be given a probability interpretation. The sum over all paths is a probability average over a path constructed step by step. The total number of steps is proportional to Condensed Matter Physics 50f938a6225b8b9a0e3ee16f22165079, and each step is less likely the longer it is. By the central limit theorem, the result of many independent steps is a Gaussian of variance proportional to Condensed Matter Physics 50f938a6225b8b9a0e3ee16f22165079.
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The usual definition of the relativistic propagator only asks for the amplitude is to travel from x to y, after summing over all the possible proper times it could take.
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Where Condensed Matter Physics 37af760ff6a7898b9fbaa5997251728b is a weight factor, the relative importance of paths of different proper time. By the translation symmetry in proper time, this weight can only be an exponential factor, and can be absorbed into the constant α.
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This is the Schwinger representation. Taking a Fourier transform over the variable (x − y) can be done for each value of Condensed Matter Physics 50f938a6225b8b9a0e3ee16f22165079 separately, and because each separate Condensed Matter Physics 50f938a6225b8b9a0e3ee16f22165079 contribution is a Gaussian, gives whose Fourier transform is another Gaussian with reciprocal width. So in p-space, the propagator can be reexpressed simply:
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Which is the Euclidean propagator for a scalar particle. Rotating p0 to be imaginary gives the usual relativistic propagator, up to a factor of (−i) and an ambiguity which will be clarified below.
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This expression can be interpreted in the nonrelativistic limit, where it is convenient to split it by partial fractions:
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For states where one nonrelativistic particle is present, the initial wavefunction has a frequency distribution concentrated near p0 = m. When convolving with the propagator, which in p space just means multiplying by the propagator, the second term is suppressed and the first term is enhanced. For frequencies near p0 = m, the dominant first term has the form:
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This is the expression for the nonrelativistic Green's function of a free Schrödinger particle.

The second term has a nonrelativistic limit also, but this limit is concentrated on frequencies which are negative. The second pole is dominated by contributions from paths where the proper time and the coordinate time are ticking in an opposite sense, which means that the second term is to be interpreted as the antiparticle. The nonrelativistic analysis shows that with this form the antiparticle still has positive energy.

The proper way to express this mathematically is that, adding a small suppression factor in proper time, the limit where t → −∞ of the first term must vanish, while the t → +∞ limit of the second term must vanish. In the Fourier transform, this means shifting the pole in p0 slightly, so that the inverse Fourier transform will pick up a small decay factor in one of the time directions:
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Without these terms, the pole contribution could not be unambiguously evaluated when taking the inverse Fourier transform of p0. The terms can be recombined:
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Which when factored, produces opposite sign infinitesimal terms in each factor. This is the mathematically precise form of the relativistic particle propagator, free of any ambiguities. The ε term introduces a small imaginary part to the α = m2, which in the Minkowski version is a small exponential suppression of long paths.

So in the relativistic case, the Feynman path-integral representation of the propagator includes paths which go backwards in time, which describe antiparticles. The paths which contribute to the relativistic propagator go forward and backwards in time, and the interpretation of this is that the amplitude for a free particle to travel between two points includes amplitudes for the particle to fluctuate into an antiparticle, travel back in time, then forward again.

Unlike the nonrelativistic case, it is impossible to produce a relativistic theory of local particle propagation without including antiparticles. All local differential operators have inverses which are nonzero outside the lightcone, meaning that it is impossible to keep a particle from travelling faster than light. Such a particle cannot have a Greens function which is only nonzero in the future in a relativistically invariant theory.

Functionals of fields[edit]

However, the path integral formulation is also extremely important in directapplication to quantum field theory, in which the "paths" or histories being considered are not the motions of a single particle, but the possible time evolutions of a field over all space. The action is referred to technically as a functional of the field: S[ϕ] where the field ϕ(xμ) is itself a function of space and time, and the square brackets are a reminder that the action depends on all the field's values everywhere, not just some particular value. In principle, one integrates Feynman's amplitude over the class of all possible combinations of values that the field could have anywhere inspace–time.

Much of the formal study of QFT is devoted to the properties of the resulting functional integral, and much effort (not yet entirely successful) has been made toward *** these functional integrals mathematically precise.

Such a functional integral is extremely similar to the partition function instatistical mechanics. Indeed, it is sometimes called a partition function, and the two are essentially mathematically identical except for the factor ofi in the exponent in Feynman's postulate 3. Analytically continuing the integral to an imaginary time variable (called a Wick rotation) makes the functional integral even more like a statistical partition function, and also tames some of the mathematical difficulties of working with these integrals.

Expectation values[edit]

In quantum field theory, if the action is given by the functional Condensed Matter Physics 3791545a70a6e462451c97ad925d43a4 of field configurations (which only depends locally on the fields), then the time ordered vacuum expectation value of polynomially bounded functional F, <F>, is given by
Condensed Matter Physics D080231c5a3ebd0967b86a2c94a58d97
The symbol Condensed Matter Physics 809619a87966d3c37ec35481820a6e78 here is a concise way to represent the infinite-dimensional integral over all possible field configurations on all of space–time. As stated above, we put the unadorned path integral in the denominator to normalize everything properly.

As a probability[edit]

Strictly speaking the only question that can be asked in physics is: "What fraction of states satisfying condition A also satisfy condition B?" The answer to this is a number between 0 and 1 which can be interpreted as aprobability which is written as P(B|A). In terms of path integration, since Condensed Matter Physics A31e4735ec65ea0b6a7dce0b27445f41 this means:
Condensed Matter Physics 7a8c0f88155eabc5234b6fafa6d3b89e
where the functional Oin[ϕ] is the superposition of all incoming states that could lead to the states we are interested in. In particular this could be a state corresponding to the state of the Universe just after the big bangalthough for actual calculation this can be simplified using heuristic methods. Since this expression is a quotient of path integrals it is naturally normalised.

Schwinger–Dyson equations[edit]

Main article: Schwinger–Dyson equation

Since this formulation of quantum mechanics is analogous to classical action principles, one might expect that identities concerning the action in classical mechanics would have quantum counterparts derivable from a functional integral. This is often the case.

In the language of functional analysis, we can write the Euler–Lagrange equations as
Condensed Matter Physics A4da78df67facd63f6bbb17aca29a45a
(the left-hand side is a functional derivative; the equation means that the action is stationary under small changes in the field configuration). The quantum analogues of these equations are called the Schwinger–Dyson equations.

If the functional measure Condensed Matter Physics 3fe84837ad795c34907a2a7d83d89666 turns out to be translationally invariant (we'll assume this for the rest of this article, although this does not hold for, let's say nonlinear sigma models) and if we assume that after a Wick rotation
Condensed Matter Physics 4e92581abddcf745494dc90aa7b890ba
which now becomes
Condensed Matter Physics 0466911124144e947752b1b5069b5359
for some H, goes to zero faster than a reciprocal of any polynomial for large values of φ, we can integrate by parts (after a Wick rotation, followed by a Wick rotation back) to get the following Schwinger–Dyson equations for the expectation:
Condensed Matter Physics 23fcf1fecd6d773639803a3c631a0679
for any polynomially bounded functional F.
Condensed Matter Physics E3266e0a23de869aeba38fbd10203dd8
in the deWitt notation.

These equations are the analog of the on shell EL equations.

If J (called the source field) is an element of the dual space of the field configurations (which has at least an affine structure because of the assumption of the translational invariance for the functional measure), then, the generating functional Z of the source fields is defined to be:
Condensed Matter Physics Ed2b182edd8a83360f3f258c0c895a44
Note that
Condensed Matter Physics D88a903e8ac2e9610910e945bd648652
Condensed Matter Physics 0b3e89638ea274fd195c91dfae0311dd
Condensed Matter Physics 42f37a80fd916e7de98003833af046b7
Basically, if Condensed Matter Physics 3add188359239f008f7c7d1c96610ec4 is viewed as a functional distribution (this shouldn't be taken too literally as an interpretation of QFT, unlike its Wick rotatedstatistical mechanics analogue, because we have time orderingcomplications here!), then Condensed Matter Physics 73d1cffee36290704df3f248c74a22b8 are its moments and Z is its Fourier transform.

If F is a functional of φ, then for an operator KF[K] is defined to be the operator which substitutes K for φ. For example, if
Condensed Matter Physics D852e4b9cfd279c320d01bf450e6f1b4
and G is a functional of J, then
Condensed Matter Physics E29d2540e9e179a95b3b2ac2b4d5ae6a
Then, from the properties of the functional integrals
Condensed Matter Physics Fcbae5f0af4c8b48ce12628185693ea0
we get the "master" Schwinger–Dyson equation:
Condensed Matter Physics 86c3c50832e40dce6cb26cfc38428474
Condensed Matter Physics Bb83ee361101d4ca58d3a48029e2d306
If the functional measure is not translationally invariant, it might be possible to express it as the product Condensed Matter Physics 396bacaa9c73c517ddf82cd90c0f082f where M is a functional and Condensed Matter Physics 3fe84837ad795c34907a2a7d83d89666is a translationally invariant measure. This is true, for example, for nonlinear sigma models where the target space is diffeomorphic to Rn. However, if the target manifold is some topologically nontrivial space, the concept of a translation does not even make any sense.

In that case, we would have to replace the Condensed Matter Physics 3791545a70a6e462451c97ad925d43a4 in this equation by another functional Condensed Matter Physics 266917f9d9c23d4d6a92ff6b2fae7b4d

If we expand this equation as a Taylor series about J = 0, we get the entire set of Schwinger–Dyson equations.


The path integrals are usually thought of as being the sum of all paths through an infinite space–time. However, in Local quantum field theory we would restrict everything to lie within a finite causally complete region, for example inside a double light-cone. This gives a more mathematically precise and physically rigorous definition of quantum field theory.

Functional identity[edit]

If we perform a Wick rotation inside the functional integral, professors J. Garcia and Gerard 't Hooft showed using a functional differential equation, that

Condensed Matter Physics 4af114972a89c2a3e7382d9e6022a03c

where S is the Wick-rotated classical action of the particle, J is the classical action with an extra term "x", delta (here) is the functional derivative operator and
Condensed Matter Physics 51103029d7a4fe2f1100211cdd525a57
Ward–Takahashi identities[edit]
See main article Ward–Takahashi identity.
Now how about the on shell Noether's theorem for the classical case? Does it have a quantum analog as well? Yes, but with a caveat. The functional measure would have to be invariant under the one parameter group of symmetry transformation as well.

Let's just assume for simplicity here that the symmetry in question is local (not local in the sense of a gauge symmetry, but in the sense that the transformed value of the field at any given point under an infinitesimal transformation would only depend on the field configuration over an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the point in question). Let's also assume that the action is local in the sense that it is the integral over spacetime of a Lagrangian, and that Condensed Matter Physics 2526ee343153e827b72fab1755c9dafc for some function f where f only depends locally on φ (and possibly the spacetime position).

If we don't assume any special boundary conditions, this would not be a "true" symmetry in the true sense of the term in general unless f=0 or something. Here, Q is a derivation which generates the one parameter group in question. We could have antiderivations as well, such as BRSTand supersymmetry.

Let's also assume Condensed Matter Physics 83955a2161dd30a597defe9bf0e8d820 for any polynomially bounded functional F. This property is called the invariance of the measure. And this does not hold in general. See anomaly (physics) for more details.

Condensed Matter Physics 726c85862fd7612ead1653b03d47fb6e
which implies
Condensed Matter Physics B3a2ac79cdfbe4fedb6b375efe9e7465
where the integral is over the boundary. This is the quantum analog of Noether's theorem.

Now, let's assume even further that Q is a local integral
Condensed Matter Physics Cb54448df515dc49447cb2e8165ff6ca
Condensed Matter Physics 7aa36978d066a8d6614704206edbfd0e
so that
Condensed Matter Physics 591281c46c1ecd2593a5922ccad51c08
Condensed Matter Physics 8d0ee9f64813c047f0d20b2f993696cf
(this is assuming the Lagrangian only depends on φ and its first partial derivatives! More general Lagrangians would require a modification to this definition!). Note that we're NOT insisting that q(x) is the generator of a symmetry (i.e. we are not insisting upon the gauge principle), but just thatQ is. And we also assume the even stronger assumption that the functional measure is locally invariant:
Condensed Matter Physics 53cbf084b75b3a913c545b585496b222
Then, we would have
Condensed Matter Physics Cc272281e5e228646e8d54e7bb1da28c
Condensed Matter Physics Dc9915d5d68ab536fab8ce13fc1e4bab
The above two equations are the Ward–Takahashi identities.

Now for the case where f=0, we can forget about all the boundary conditions and locality assumptions. We'd simply have
Condensed Matter Physics 3f36b29b3ddc33b7395638cd029aed5c
Condensed Matter Physics B2bf50cd36b62e20f5dd33fa98c777a7
The need for regulators and renormalization[edit]

Path integrals as they are defined here require the introduction ofregulators. Changing the scale of the regulator leads to therenormalization group. In fact, renormalization is the major obstruction to *** path integrals well-defined.

The path integral in quantum-mechanical interpretation[edit]

In one philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics, the "sum over histories" interpretation, the path integral is taken to be fundamental and reality is viewed as a single indistinguishable "class" of paths which all share the same events. For this interpretation, it is crucial to understand what exactly an event is. The sum over histories method gives identical results to canonical quantum mechanics, and Sinha and Sorkin (see the reference below) claim the interpretation explains the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox without resorting to nonlocality. (Note that the Copenhagen/pragmatism interpretation claims there is no paradox—only a sloppy materialism motivated question on the part of EPR—Joseph Wienberg a lecture. On the other hand, the fact that the EPR thought experiment (and its result) does represent the results of a QM experiment says that (despite the path dependence of parallelness/anti-parallelness in curved space) all contributions of paths close to black holes cancel in the action for an EPR style experiment here on earth.)

Some advocates of interpretations of quantum mechanics emphasizingdecoherence have attempted to make more rigorous the notion of extracting a classical-like "coarse-grained" history from the space of all possible histories.

Quantum Gravity[edit]

Whereas in Quantum Theory the path integral formulation is fully equivalent to other formulations, it may be that it can be extended to quantum gravity, which would make it different from the Hilbert spacemodel. Feynman had some success in this direction and his work has been extended by Hawking and others.[9] Approaches that use this method include Causal Dynamical TriangulationsTensor models and spinfoams.

See also[edit]


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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2014-07-29, 14:10


  1. Jump up^ Masud Chaichian, Andrei Pavlovich Demichev (2001). "Introduction".Path Integrals in Physics Volume 1: Stochastic Process & Quantum Mechanics. Taylor & Francis. p. 1 ffISBN 0-7503-0801-X.
  2. Jump up^ Dirac, Paul A. M. (1933). "The Lagrangian in Quantum Mechanics".Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion 3: 64–72.; also see Van Vleck, John H (1928). "The correspondence principle in the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (National Academy of Sciences) 14 (2): 178188.
  3. Jump up^ Kleinert, H. (1989). "6"Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter. 1: Superflow and Vortex Lines. Singapore: World Scientific. ISBN 9971-5-0210-0.
  4. Jump up^ Both noted that in the limit of action that is large compared to the reduced Planck's constant ħ (using natural unitsħ = 1), the path integral is dominated by solutions which are in the neighbourhood of stationary points of the action.
  5. Jump up^ Duru, H; Hagen Kleinert (1979-06-18). "Solution of the path integral for the H-atom"Physics Letters 84B (2). Retrieved 2007-11-25.
  6. Jump up^ For details see Chapter 13 in Kleinert's book cited above.
  7. Jump up^ Feynman, R. P. (1948). "Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics". "Reviews of Modern Physics" 20 (2): 367–387.Bibcode:1948RvMP...20..367Fdoi:10.1103/RevModPhys.20.367.
  8. Jump up^ Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips)Hibbs, Albert R.Styer, Daniel F. (2010). Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. pp. 29–31. ISBN 0-486-47722-3.
  9. Jump up^ "Most of the Good Stuff", Memories Of Richard Feynman, edited by Laurie M. Brown and John S. Rigden, American Institute of Physics, the chapter by Murray Gell-Mann.


  1. Jump up^ For a simplified, step by step, derivation of the above relation see Path Integrals in Quantum Theories: A Pedagogic 1st Step pdf vers

Suggested reading[edit]
External links[edit]


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注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 一星 2015-02-12, 07:05

String–Net Models with ZN Fusion algebra
Ling-Yan Hung∗
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
31 Caroline St N, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5, Canada
Yidun Wan†
Research Center for Quantum computation, Kinki University
Kowakae 3-4-1, Higashi-Osaka 577-8502, Osaka, Japan
(Dated: February 3, 2015)
We study the Levin–Wen string–net model with a ZN type fusion algebra. Solutions of the local
constraints of this model correspond to ZN gauge theory and double Chern–Simons theories with
quantum groups. For the first time, we explicitly construct a spin-(N − 1)/2 model with ZN gauge
symmetry on a triangular lattice as an exact dual model of the string–net model with a ZN type
fusion algebra on a honeycomb lattice. This exact duality exists only when the spins are coupled
to a ZN gauge field living on the links of the triangular lattice. The ungauged ZN lattice spin
models are a class of quantum systems that bear symmetry-protected topological phases that may
be classified by the third cohomology group H3(ZN,U(1)) of ZN. Our results apply also to any case
where the fusion algebra is identified with a finite group algebra or a quantum group algebra.

The classification of possible phases of matter is central
to the study of condensed matter physics. Until very
recently different phases of matter have been associated
with symmetry breaking, which can be very succinctly
described in the paradigm of Landau’s effective theory.
Important leaps in our understanding come about when
it is realized that new phases of matter can arise even as
no symmetry breaking is involved.
It is therefore very important to give a systematic survey
of these states of matter, and ideally, provide a complete
classification of them.
Very broadly speaking, gapped quantum phases of
matter can be divided into two classes: namely those involving
long range entanglement (LRE) and those involving
only short range entanglement (SRE). When symmetries
are present, SRE displays a myriad of phases. For
example Landau’s paradigm of spontaneous symmetry
breaking belongs to the class of SRE. When symmetries
are unbroken, there are also distinct phases of matter,
often termed the symmetry protected topological (SPT)
phases. Their classification in terms of group cohomology
is recently given in Ref1.
On the other hand, the LRE phases of matter are examples
that realize topological order, in which they display
features such as robust ground state degeneracies,
non-Abelian statistics of quasi–particle excitations, and
in many cases protected edge excitations. The classic examples
of these phases include the (fractional) quantum
Hall states and chiral spin liquids. There is a very general
framework supplying exactly solvable models that
incorporates a large class of LRE phases, notably those
preserving time-reversal symmetry. This is called the
string–net models2, and it has been known that the tensor
category theory is the mathematical framework that
underlies these models.
Very recently, a connection is discovered between a
specific SPT phase, namely an Ising spin model with
Z2 symmetry, and a LRE phase described by a string
net model3,4. In particular in the construction in4 it is
found that when the Z2 symmetry of the spin model is
gauged, it admits a dual description in terms of a string
net model whose fusion rules are given exactly by Z2.
It was conjectured that for a general SPT phase with
discrete symmetry G, by gauging G it admits a string
net dual description with fusion rules also given by the
product rule of G.
In this paper, by studying the explicit examples of
string–net models with ZN type fusion algebra, we construct
such a map between the string net models and
the gauged SPT model. Although our construction is
based on ZN fusion algebra, it is immediately applicable
to more general discrete groups G. This implies that
the classification of SPT phases provided by group cohomology
in 2+1 dimensions via H3(G,U(1)) described in
Ref1 indirectly provide classifications of the corresponding
string net models. We support this claim also by
studying the rescaling redundancy of the 6j symbols that
characterize a given string net model. We find that when
the fusion rules coincide with the product rule of a group
G, the 6j symbols can be interpreted as a 3-cocycle and
that their rescaling redundancy can be understood as an
equivalence between these 3-cocycles up to a co-boundary
in the context of group cohomology19. Therefore these
6j symbols admit a classification by H3(G,U(1)), coinciding
with that of the dual SPT phases.
Our paper is organized as follows. We begin in section
II with a review of the basic ingredients of the string
net models. In section III we revisit the rescaling redundancy
of the 6j symbols and point out its relationship
with group cohomology. In section IV, we study string–
net models with ZN type fusion algebra in greater details,
and collect a number of useful facts about them. Some
further details and the explicit forms of 6j symbols corresponding
to ZN fusion algebra of various N are relegated
to the appendix. In section V, we construct the explicit
map between the string–net models with ZN fusion algebra
and the corresponding gauged SPT model, generalizing
the construction proposed in5. We note that the
relationship between these SPT phases and the string–
net models are explored via a different route also in6.
Finally we conclude in section VI and point to several
open problems.

帖子数 : 3787
注册日期 : 13-08-07

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 贞诚 2016-02-06, 07:35


在现代物理学的历史上,意大利人Majorana 是一个谜一般的人物。他天才横溢,像流星一样划过理论物理学的天空,留下了以他名字命名的Majorana 方程,然后在一次旅行中消失,引发后人无数的猜测和传说。我们文章的主角——Majorana 费米子,最早就是用来称呼能够被Majorana 提出的方程描写的粒子。
我们生活的物理世界中有两大类基本粒子:费米子和玻色子。费米子组成了我们的物质世界,而 (规范)玻色子则传递物质间的相互作用。值得一提的是,这句话在2012 年7 月前都是无比正确的金科玉律,直到LHC 发现了迄今知道的唯一一种标量粒子——Higgs 玻色子。费米子种类繁多,包括三代夸克,轻子和中微子。尽管如此,在数学上大部分费米子都由Dirac 方程描述。Paul Dirac 在1928 年基于纯粹的数学构造得到了描写费米子的相对论性方程,并预言了反粒子的存在,而后在1932 年得到了实验的证实。这一直被认为是理论物理最华丽的篇章之一。推而广之,所有的带电Dirac 费米子都有对应的反粒子。正反粒子的唯一区别在于他们的电荷,除此之外的性质都完全相同。Majorana 则在Dirac 方程问世的几年后提出了这样一个问题:对相对论性费米子,反粒子的存在是必然的吗?显然假如粒子不带电,它的反粒子(假如存在的话)和本身将完全无法区分。Majorana 推导出了相应的方程,并建议他的结果可能描写了当时唯一知道的电中性物质粒子——中微子。
将近80 年过去了,中微子是不是Majorana 费米子仍然悬而未决。部分的困难在于中微子不带电。而物理学家绝大部分的测量手段都和粒子的电磁性质有关,毕竟电磁力是唯一一种人类能够在自身可以直接感知的尺度上进行控制的相互作用。这一点不单粒子物理学,凝聚态物理学也如此。因此对中微子的探测都困难重重,需要布下千军万马,层层拦截,才能在浩渺的宇宙中抓住几个。因此在很长一段时间内,Majorana 费米子只是作为一个优美的理论构造存在于理论家的脑海里。 

二 、
在物理学的另一分支——凝聚态物理中,人们关心的是物质材料在极低温时的性质,或者更准确的说,物质的基态和低能激发态的性质。粗看起来凝聚态物理和高能物理完全是两个极端:高能实验的必备装置大型粒子加速器小号的也是数公里长,而凝聚态实验的样品很少有超过一个巴掌大的。加速器的能量动辄几百兆电子伏,凝聚态实验物理学家恨不能把温度直接降到绝对零度去才好。但是深层次上两个领域之间却有着千丝万缕的联系。假如我们暂时抛开人类的渺小视野,想象一下整个宇宙作为一个物理体系,处在什么样的状态,就会意识到在大爆炸140 亿年以后,我们生活的宇宙早已冷却到离“基态”不远了。而人类所能观测到的能量尺度,和大宇宙真正的“典型”能量尺度——Planck 能量相比,几乎都小的可以忽略不计。在这个意义上,凝聚态物理和高能物理殊途同归。它们所研究的对象,都是量子多体系统的“低能”状态,所用的语言也基本上是量子场论。所以自然而然的,凝聚态体系的研究也围绕着“基本粒子”展开——某种材料的激发态在量子化后往往可以近似看做独立运动的“准粒子”。这一概念发源于俄国物理学家Landau 对液氦的研究,如今已经是凝聚态理论的基本概念。 
Majorana 费米子能不能作为准粒子出现在凝聚态系统中呢?需要指出的是,这里 “Majorana 费米子”的含义并不仅限于指满足Majorana 方程的基本粒子,而是泛指电中性的费米型准粒子,其反粒子就是自身。我们知道电子和原子核都是带电的,凝聚态系统的能量尺度远远不足以产生任何的正电子。但多体系统的行为只能用一句话形容:只有想不到的,没有做不到的。在凝聚态物理中正好就有这样一类系统,电荷不再守恒:超导体。超导也是二十世纪物理学的一大里程碑式的杰作,也是我们刚才提到的凝聚态物理和高能物理之间联系的绝佳范例(作为凝聚态物理的从业人员,作者不得不表示这几乎是唯一一个凝聚态物理反过来启示高能物理的例子)。我们在这里简单的复习一下超导体的性质。在超导体中,电子之间通过某种吸引作用两两配对,形成所谓的Cooper 对。Cooper 对的凝聚就产生了超导现象。从某种意义上来说,超导体就是一个Cooper 对的汪洋大海。在这样的海洋中,产生一个电子和产生一个空穴(即“反粒子”)的差别消失了:这两个态仅仅差了一个Cooper 对,而一个Cooper 对相对于无穷无尽的凝聚体来说显然是微不足道的。这也就是我们通常所说的超导体自发破坏了电荷守恒对称性,电荷只是模2守恒。正因为如此,超导体中电子和空穴的界限变的模糊起来,两者可以形成量子叠加态作为超导体的低能激发,这样的“准粒子”是电中性的[1] 。用二次量子化的语言,可以把准粒子的产生算符写成 Condensed Matter Physics 1adb8982b9014a90bb07dcd2ab773912b21beef4
其中ψ电子的消灭算符,u 和v 是叠加的权重 (见图1)。到此Majorana 费米子似乎已经呼之欲出了:电中性,费米子,粒子和反粒子的叠加态。但是且慢,电子除了电荷还有自旋自由度,而常见的超导体都是自旋单态配对,即配对的两个电子形成自旋单态。这就意味着最后得到的叠加态也是带自旋的,这样的准粒子不可能是Majorana 费米子。直接看$\gamma$的表达式也能发现准粒子和它的共轭不可能相等。 

Condensed Matter Physics 7f2057e736d12f2e6dd63d0f4dc2d562873568de

图1:自旋单态配对超导体中的准粒子激发可以看做自旋向上的电子和自旋向下的空穴的叠加,两者相差一个Cooper 对。

尽管此路有些不通,我们遇到的困难似乎并不是无法克服。既然自旋单态配对不行,能不能让相同自旋的电子形成配对?多体系统再次无所不能,这样的超导配对大自然早都准备好了——祖师爷Landau 研究过的氦3 在低温下形成的超流态就是自旋三重态配对。这还没完,实验家找到了各种各样的材料,例如重费米子超导体,铷氧化物超导Sr_2RuO_4,都具有自旋三重态配对。当然这仅仅是形成Majorana 费米子的必要条件。理论上可以证明,能够出现Majorana 费米子的自旋三重态配对必须有特定的形式,称为手征p 波配对。在这一类超导体中,形成Cooper 对的两个电子之间有相对运动,不妨认为它们在某一平面上互相绕对方顺时针或者逆时针转动,在垂直平面方向的角动量投影是±ℏ。这实际上是Pauli 不相容原理的要求,即相同自旋的电子组成的Cooper 对必须有内部相对运动,来避免两个电子“碰 到”。在这样的超导体中加上磁通产生一个涡旋(vortex),涡旋的中心就会出现一个零能量的激发态,恰好是我们要寻找的Majorana 费米子!
手征p 波超导体是所谓手征拓扑超导体最简单的例子。除了涡旋中的Majorana 费米子,手征拓扑超导体还有其它不同寻常的性质,例如手征边缘态,量子化Hall热导率等等。遗憾的是,这一回大自然不太配合,迄今我们还没有在自然界中找到手征p 波配对的超导体[2] 。

寻找Majorana 费米子的突破出现在2008 年。Pennsylvania 大学的物理学家Charles Kane 和他的博士研究生傅亮另辟蹊径,不再纠结于配对机制——毕竟自然界里最常见的是自旋单态配对,而是在电子的能带结构上作文章。如果电子的能带结构破坏了自旋对称性,是不是也能够产生Majorana 费米子?Kane 和傅亮在这之前已经在拓扑绝缘体方面做了开拓性的工作,他们注意到三维拓扑绝缘体的表面态是强自旋轨道耦合的Dirac 费米子,电子的自旋方向和运动方向“锁”在一起。他们在表面态的理论中加入了超导自旋单态配对,结果发现超导涡旋中出现了Majorana 费米子!至于如何在表面态产生超导配对则被 Kane 和傅亮用一种巧妙的方式解决了:通过在表面上放一块超导体来来诱导出配对。这一方案令人耳目一新:自旋轨道耦合、超导邻近效应,都是之前这一领域的研究者们没有注意到的,尤其是这种“DIY组装”拓扑超导体的想法,更是大大开拓了研究者们的思路, 自己动手,不用再靠天吃饭 。
Kane 和傅亮的方案理论上十分简单优美,实验上看起来也没有什么根本性的困难。但是拓扑绝缘体作为一个新材料“出生”于2006 年,到那时也不过“两周岁”,仍然处于初步的摸索阶段。有没有可能用更加传统的材料来替换这里的拓扑绝缘体表面态呢?Maryland 大学的Das Sarma 研究组在Kane 和傅亮工作的基础上再进一步。他们发现,只要用物理学家们研究了好几十年的准二维半导体材料,加上合适的外Zeeman 磁场就可以达到同样的效果。具体来说,Zeeman 磁场使得电子自旋极化,当材料的费米能比Zeeman 能量更低的时候真正参与物理过程的只有自旋极化的电子。但是自旋极化的电子无法参与自旋单态配对,自旋轨道耦合这时候起到了关键作用,使得极化的电子也能够得到有效的配对。从图2 中可以看到,费米面上动量相反的电子自旋方向在xy 平面的投影也相反,因此可以形成单态配对。这几个因素综合在一起,就实现了Majorana 费米子所需要的拓扑超导体。 

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图2:左:半导体超导体混合结构示意。右:半导体中电子自旋轨道耦合(右图取自D.Sau et.al. Phys.Rev.B 83, 140510(2010)) 

至此,经过理论家的不懈努力,实现Majorana 费米子需要的“原料”已经从原来的“阳春白雪”降到了 “下里巴人”,成功的希望似乎就在眼前了。在这两个方案先后出炉之后,世界各地的实验室都开始行动起来,加入到这一场寻找Majorana费米子的竞赛当中。理论家也没有闲着,新的实现方案接连问世,关于各种实验系统的性质和测量方案的研究也是如火如荼。最后,这场竞赛被荷兰Delft 大学Leo Kouwenhoven 教授的团队拔得头筹,在今年的APS 年会上宣布他们观察到了Majorana 费米子存在的迹象。在此之后数个其它实验组也报道了类似的结果。需要说明的是,Kouwenhoven团队所研究的实际上是准一维系统中的Majorana 零模, 某种程度上可以看做是二维拓扑超导体在一维的“投影”。 

凝聚态物理学家对Majorana 费米子如此着迷,并不仅仅出于科学家的好奇心。尽管好奇心是一切科学探索的原力,但我们还需要一些更加务实的理由来支撑庞大的实验室和科研团队。值得庆幸的是,Majorana 费米子虽然起来虚无缥缈,但实实在在的用处也不小。这要归功于俄国物理学家Alexei Kitaev 。不久前Kitaev 因为在拓扑量子计算方面的开拓性贡献获得了300 万美元的大奖。他获奖的理由正好就是Majorana 费米子大显身手的地方——建造拓扑量子计算机。我们知道,量子计算机的基本单元是量子比特(qubit),或者朴实一点叫“二能级系统”。有了量子比特,我们可以在上面进行运算,实现各种量子逻辑门操作。量子计算机相比经典计算机的优势在于量子力学叠加原理的威力,使得比特可以处于两个状态的线性叠加。为了发挥量子计算机超越经典计算机的计算能力,硬件上需要保证比特的量子相干 性(coherence),防止“退相干”(decoherence) 。一旦相干性丧失,量子计算机就“沦为”经典的普通计算机,失去了它的优势。
拓扑量子计算想要的是在硬件层次上一揽子解决如上所说的相干性和纠错问题。这起来像天方夜谭,但Kitaev 却找到了这样的办法!他的构想的关键是一类称为non-Abelian 任意子的奇特准粒子。没错,准粒子——自然界里没有这样的基本粒子,它们只能存在于二维空间的“拓扑相”中。之所以叫任意子,因为它们的量子统计和通常的玻色子或者费米子有极大的不同。我们知道,全同粒子的量子统计指的是当两个粒子的位置发生交换时,整个系统的量子态的变化。数学上可以证明,三维空间中,只允许存在玻色子和费米子:交换之后量子态或者不变(玻色子),或者变号(费米子)。但是二维世界则完全不同。除了玻色子和费米子,量子态h 在交换之后还可以差一个任意相位因子。这样的准粒子称为Abelian 任意子。Non-Abelian 的粒子则更加复杂。在好几个non-Abelian 任意子同时存在的时候,整个体系的状态并不是唯一的。仅仅固定准粒子的位置,我们无法确定系统处于哪个量子态,可能的“备选”数目随着粒子数指数增大。所有这些态都有着几乎相同的能量(简并)[3] 。交换任意两个粒子则会导致系统的状态从一个变到另一个——不仅仅是相位的改变,甚至整个量子态都变化了。多个准粒子导致的简并态有一个有趣的特点:它们从局部看是一模一样的,也就是说没有任何局域的物理测量能够区分开这些简并基态。因此这些简并得名“拓扑简并”。更进一步来说,这些准粒子所处的量子态(简并态的某个线性叠加)也是不可能被局部扰动所改变。当然,凡事不可绝对化。如果局域扰动强到能够破坏系统的能隙,所有的稳定性也就无从谈起了。 
为什么这样的系统可以建造量子计算机呢?首先,我们回忆一下普通的量子比特。在有n 个量子比特的时候,计算机可能的状态有2^n个。和non-Abelian 任意子不同的是,这2^n个状态并不一定简并,而且交换这些比特也不会导致计算机状态的变化。但是仅仅从状态数这一点,non-Abelian任意子完全可以胜任量子比特的任务。这些简并态不可能被任何的 (弱)局域扰动所影响,因此也无需担心退相干的问题。前面提到交换两个粒子会导致系统的状态发生变化——这正好可以用来作为量子门操作。相比通常的量子门操作,这种办法有一个意想不到的优点:门操作的结果只依赖于两个粒子发生了交换,至于它们是怎么交换的,走的是一个什么样的轨迹,走得快还是慢,都无关紧要。理论上说,这样的量子门是完全没有任何“误差”的。这就给实际实现带来了巨大的自由度。于是,我们至少在理论上解决了门操 作的纠错问题——从硬件层面就保证没有任何错误需要纠正。 
拓扑计算机的设想起来非常美好,但一切的前提是要有non-Abelian 任意子。 奇妙的是,拓扑超导体中的Majorana 费米子恰好就是最简单的non-Abelian 任意子。 具体来说,假如超导体中有两个涡旋,每个涡旋都带有一个Majorana 费米子。我们再假设这两个涡旋离得很远,中间被超导能隙的“崇山峻岭”隔开,天各一方。超导体归根到底是由电子组成,电子是普通的Dirac 费米子。为了知道这两个涡旋的低能激发态,我们必须把两个Majorana 费米子组成普通的Dirac 费米子。换句话说,这两个 相隔很远的“纠缠”的涡旋合起来组成了一个能够被电子占据的能级。假如我们在这个能级上摆一个电子,然后再去用探测电子在空间的分布,就会发现它同时出现在两个涡旋上——电子被拆成了两个Majorana 费米子。由此也知道两个涡旋正好组成了一个二态系统(电子占据/不占据)。以此类推,4 个涡旋可以两两配对,组成4 个态。一般地2n涡旋有2^n个简并状态[4]。平摊到每个涡旋头上,可以说每个涡旋在平均意义上有“√2 ”个态——这也是non-Abelian 任意子的一桩奇特之处,每个粒子所带的“自由度”数目是一个无理数。交换两个Majorana 费米子则会让系统在这2^n个态形成的子空间中转动,这就是我们需要的量子门操作。
当然Majorana 费米子也并非十全十美。量子计算的理论研究早已证明,所有可能的量子逻辑运算都可以分解成几个基本的运算:Hadamard 门,π/4比特旋转, CNOT(两个比特的控制非门)。能够实现这三个基本运算的量子计算机就称为“通用”(universal) 量子计算机。遗憾的是,Majorana 费米子形成的系统并不是通用的。Majorana 费米子之间的交换只能做出Hadamard 门和π/2旋转。为了实现通用量子计算机,我们需要寻找更加复杂的non-Abelian 任意子,或者在Majorana 费米子上引入更复杂的操作。这就把我们带到了Majorana 费米子和拓扑量子计算理论研究的最前沿。

2007年,Fu liang和CL Kane等人考虑了三维拓扑绝缘体的表面态和S-波超导体的接触效应。我们知道三维TI的表面态用无质量的Dirac方程描述,当考虑表面与S波超导体的接触效应之后,Fu liang等人得到了体系的有效哈密顿量。该哈密顿与以外的p+ip超导体很相似(主要体现在序参量是p波对称),该体系有E=0的解。Fu Liang等人求解了一个圆形加1/2磁通的区域的边态后得到一种majorana束缚态的解。随后在2008年,Beenakker等人讨论了如何在实验上观测这种majorana束缚态。
2009年,Das Sarma小组考虑一种存在Rashba自旋轨道耦合的半导体/铁磁电极/S波超导体耦合体系中,他们求解了一个半径为R的加1/2磁通的体系,该体系的边态也呈现majorana束缚态。他们的体系可以这样理解,存在Rashba自旋轨道耦合和Zeeman效应的二维电子气,由于这两种效应这竞争会出现一种拓扑非平庸的相。这时和S波超导接触类似于拓扑绝缘体和S波超导的接触效应,会出现majorana束缚态。
2009年,日本的研究组M Sato等人研究了在2维的S,P,D波超导体中,加上rashba自旋轨道耦合并且存在Zeeman劈裂,他们利用Gap Closing条件得到不同的拓扑相,并计算出不同体系的拓扑数。在S,D波超导体中,由于rashba自旋轨道耦合和Zeeman劈裂的相互竞争,体系在某些特定拓扑相中存在E=0的解,该解便是majorana费米子。
2010年,S. Das Sarma研究组和Y.Oreg研究组分别给出了在实验上更为可行的建议,在与s-波超导体相接触并具有强自旋-轨道耦合的InAs或InSb纳米线的方向上加上磁场,因邻近效应而呈现超导性的纳米线两端将存在一对Majorana束缚态,并导致零能处电子态密度峰的出现。
2012 年,荷兰的L. P. Kouwenhoven研究组通过把电子注入到充满库柏对的InSb纳米线中,并在实验中测出了体系的零偏压电导峰(ZBP)。这应该是迄今为止关于Majorana束缚态的真实性最强有力的实验证据。随后人们在其他的系统中也观测到了Majorana束缚态存在的实验信号,如:A. Finck等人在InAs纳米线体系中也观察到了类似的ZBP;L. P. Rokhinson等人在InSb/Nb约瑟夫森结中观察到了分数交流约瑟夫森效应,即高度为hf0/2e的Shapiro台阶。这一系列相关实验上的重大突破,更加鼓舞人们深入研究相关体系中电输运性质。
[1] Bogoliubov准粒子里电子和空穴的权重一般是不一样的,因此直接计算电荷在一个准粒子激发态上的平均值会发现它们仍然可以有净电荷。但是在超导体中,这些残留的净电荷会被Cooper 对凝聚体的动态涨落所屏蔽,最后的结果是准粒子激发不带电。

[2] 液氦3 的超流A 相是手征p 波配对。但是因为自旋简并,想要得到单个Majorana 费米子必须要能够在超流中产生一个“半量子涡旋”(half-quantum vortex) 。这样的涡旋是热力学不稳定的。目前实验上仅仅在介观尺度的样品中观察到了半量子涡旋的可能迹象。

[3] 简并态之间的能级分裂(splitting)随着准粒子之间的距离指数衰减(正比于exp(−L/ξ),其中L 是准粒子间的距离,ξ是关联长度,反比于系统的能隙) 。

[4] 严格的说简并数目是2n/2, 因为基态只能有固定的模2 费米子数(即总费米子数的奇偶性是一个守恒量)。

( 此处稍微提一点点专业技术描述,不感兴趣的可以略过)

(1)用B-dG方程描述的超导体满足电子-空穴对成型,在电荷共轭变换下能量本征值为E的态与能量本征值为-E的态相对应,也就是说能量为E的态是能量为-E的电荷共轭态。在2000年Read在p+ip超导体中的弱配对相中发现,这类超导体存在无能隙的解。这种无能隙的解在电荷共轭下保持不变。Read提出在p+ip超导体中的弱配对相中,考虑半无限大的体系,该体系的边态解会呈现出majorana 束缚态。另外,该文还提出在半径为R的p+ip超导体的votex中加1/2磁通,该votex的边界处也会出现majorana束缚态的解。这种majorana束缚态可以看成是电子和空穴的复合态。在粒子物理中,一个Dirac费米子对应一个复的Lorentz群的旋量表示,若考虑该群的实表示,则对应到一个majorana费米子。所以,一个Dirac费米子可以理解为两种不带电荷的majorana费米子的复合粒子。

(2)费米子的性质中, 交换反对称和不相容原理哪个更基本?费米子就一定是交换反对称的?这就涉及关于non-Abelian统计的讨论,要从最开始的Fermion和Boson的本质谈起:Dirac fermion遵循Pauli不相容原理,通过此可求出相应微观状态数(或热力学几率),最后根据最可几分布(不是最严格的方法,但最简单常用)求变分极值得到相应Dirac分布;相应的Bose分布不遵循Pauli不相容原理,也可推导出来。更一般地,Dirac fermion和Boson的波函数区分在于对称及反对称性;多体波函数两粒子交换得到一个位相因子:ψ(···ri···rj···)=exp(iθ)ψ(···rj···ri···),当相角θ=0 (or 2π) 、π时就分别对应Bose、Dirac统计。对更一般的θ∈(0,2π)则有任意的分数统计(non-Abelian统计),相应粒子称为Anyon(凝聚态大牛Wilzeck命名)。现在在2D凝聚态系统已经发些很多准粒子、元激发是Anyon的。
Majorana费米子确实满足交换反对称关系,但是它不满足Pauli 不相容原理,因为交换2个Majorana费米子得到一个矩阵,而不是一个c数。)
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(3)半导体体系中,由于自旋轨道相互作用导致自旋简并的解除,因而在哈密顿量中出现波矢的线性项,形成自旋分裂。这种分裂表现为电子能量与动量的色散关系由一条抛物曲面分裂为二,使自旋不同电子能级分裂。而引起自旋分裂的机制为:结构反演不对称(SIA)导致的 Rashba 效应和晶体反演不对称(BIA)导致的 Dresselhaus效应。同时异质结的界面反演不对称(IIA)也可以导致 Dresselhaus 效应,因为其哈密顿量同BIA类似。结构反演不对称(SIA)通常由内建电场、非对称的掺杂,三角形量子势阱、异质结等外部因素导致,而晶体反演不对称(BIA)则由晶体本身的对称性决定。因此 Dresselhaus 效应普遍存在于半导体材料中,如 GaAs,二维电子气等等。在二维体系下,设z为晶体生长方向,即垂直于电子运动的二维平面,则自旋轨道耦合哈密顿量可以写作:Condensed Matter Physics 8358a7c27d1ed21b18cfae8aaf6eddc450da3fa2

这里的 Rashba 参数α表征与SIA有关的各种旋轨耦合机制的强度。另一方面根据晶体的对称性,则可以推导出类似的线性 Dresselhaus 项:
Condensed Matter Physics A00e7e1ed21b0ef40cee1831dfc451da80cb3ea2

实质上Dresselhaus 项是有关k的三阶量,但如果在二维电子气下看,k的z方向分量是量子化的,因而可以合并到 Dresselhaus 参数β里面,近似成为线性项。根据理论计算,k的线性项会导致能量本征值的分裂,从而改变能量与动量的色散关系:由一条抛物型曲线分裂成两条。
Condensed Matter Physics 79d2d11b0ef41bd5b555689b53da81cb38db3da2

上述示意图是能量作为k的函数的能带结构。其中 a 图是仅有 Rashba 或 Dresselhaus 效应的示意图,b 图是二者均存在的示意图。在仅有BIA或者SIA的情况下,从任意方向做垂直k平面的***图,均可以看出能带结构是对称的两个旋转抛物面,二者旋转轴以 k=0 位移对称,等能面则是两个同心圆。c 图和 d 图表示了自旋取向和动量的关系。可以看出,Dresselhaus 效应中,自旋与动量的角度影响着自旋的取向:在特殊的晶向上会出现平行或者垂直的情况;而 Rashba 效应中自旋的方向永远和动量方向垂直。当两者效应同时存在时,两个旋转抛物面各自的旋转轴沿ky轴反向对称位移,特别在BIA=SIA 下,自旋取向总是平行于kx轴。

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注册日期 : 14-01-03

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 贞诚 2016-02-06, 07:41

  第一代, HgTe量子井 
  第二代, BiSb 合金 
  第三代, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3, Bi2Se3 等化合物 
Condensed Matter Physics Cf2375094b36acaf7bbabaad7ed98d1000e99c50 
  自旋轨道耦合引起了能带反转,以及材料表面的狄拉克型费米子Condensed Matter Physics 72c54836acaf2eddf5ab65b88f1001e938019350 
  根据理论预测,拓扑绝缘体于p波超导体界面将会形成majorana 费米子, 其特性符合量子计算机理论中的量子比特。

小薄膜大突破 人类或将进入拓扑量子计算时代 2014-01-07 11:27

Condensed Matter Physics 7dfd0955b319ebc46cfd5ac88026cffc1f171621




















美研制奇特拓扑超导材料 表面金属内部超导体2014-01-07 11:29 (分类:默认分类)

资料图:量子计算机处理器(科学网-kexue.com配图)Condensed Matter Physics 0de8a818972bd407f560ffac79899e510eb30903

实验中,为了评价新晶体材料的性能,研究人员利用X光谱进行分析,通过研究X射线轰击出来的单个电子来确定晶体的真实属性,测试发现生成的是一种拓扑超导体。研究人员进一步在晶体的表面发现了不同寻常的电子,其表现得像轻子。由于哈桑小组去年曾经第一次直接观察到了一种被称为螺旋状狄拉克费米子的电子,此时他们立刻认出了这种电子就是科学家长期寻找的马拉约那费米子(Majorana fermions)。


Condensed Matter Physics 4d980a23dd54564e1098c868b1de9c82d0584f29
图注:图为麻省理工大学的研究人员制作的自旋二极管(spin diode)的艺术效果图。自旋方向为顺时针的原子只沿一个方向运动,而自旋方向为逆时针的原子则朝反方向运动。
两个彼此独立的物理研究小组首次利用超冷费米子原子模拟了“自旋轨道的耦合”,这一相互作用在固体材料的电子性质中占有重要地位。这两组实验都是将激光束打向原子,从而改变其动量,动量改变的多少则由原子的固有自旋决定。由于该项模拟中原子间的相互作用可以被精确地操控,因此这项突破性的进展将为一系列物理研究带来新的进展,其中包括磁学、拓扑绝缘体以及马约拉纳费米子(Majorana fermions,编注:这类费米子的反粒子即它本身,而狄拉克费米子则不同于其自身的反粒子)。
2011年美国马里兰州国家标准技术研究所(NIST)的兰·斯贝尔曼(lan Spielman)首次利用极冷玻色原子气模拟了自旋轨道耦合。现在,两个相互独立的研究小组将斯贝尔曼的技术扩展运用到了费米子上,这两个小组一个是由中国清华大学的翟荟和山西大学的张靖领导的,另一个是由美国麻省理工大学的马丁·茨莱维因(Martin Zwierlein)和劳伦斯·卓(LawrenceCheuk)领导的。因为电子都是费米子而非玻色子,所以这项新的工作更多是与电子物理学相关的。
与此同时,麻省理工大学的物理学家采用的是锂-6原子气,这意味着他们要实现自旋轨道耦合要比中国的研究团队更困难一些。其困难在于像锂原子这样的轻原子在对光的共振吸收过程中更容易被加热。为了解决这一难题,麻省理工的研究小组将大多数的原子都保持在“蓄积能级(reservoir states)”中,这些能级上的原子不与入射光发生相互作用,因而也能保持较低的温度,然后再采用电波将一小部分原子引入到进行自旋轨道耦合的能级上。
麻省理工研究小组的关注点是超冷原子可以用于模拟“自旋二极管(spin diode)”,所谓自旋二极管就是使自旋向上的原子只进不退,而自旋向下的原子只退不进,这种装置很可能在自旋电子回路的发展中扮演十分关键的角色。卓教授说道:“原子气扮演的正是量子二极管,它可以操控自旋电流的流向。”
通过将射频辐射技术运用到原子气当中,麻省理工的物理学家模拟出了同一维晶格相同的周期性势场。在实际材料中,周期性的势场将导致自旋能带(spin-dependent energy band)的出现。据研究小组所说,能够用这种方法产生出自旋能带结构,意味着可以模拟出拓扑绝缘体。
这两组实验都刊登在《物理评论快报(Physical Review Letters)》上。
哈米斯·约翰斯顿(Hamish Johnston)是物理世界网站(physicsworld.com)的一名编辑。

《物理评论B》:拓扑超导体与拓扑半金属研究获进展2014-01-07 11:24 (分类:默认分类)

导读:图1,NaCoO2的表面模型图2,5-层 NaCoO2的自旋极化能带图,自旋向下为绝缘态,只有自旋向上的费米面,其自旋构型与拓扑绝缘体表面态相似。图3,在HgCr2Se4侧表面上形成的“费米弧”图4, HgCr2Se4中霍尔电导随量子阱厚度d的台阶式跳变近年来,作为一种新的量子物态,拓扑绝缘体因其丰富奇特的电子特性以及在未来电子技术中……

Condensed Matter Physics B49dfb198618367a3615538c2c738bd4b21ce50b
Condensed Matter Physics Fcd58518367adab4a74c371289d4b31c8601e40b
图2,5-层 NaCoO2的自旋极化能带图,自旋向下为绝缘态,只有自旋向上的费米面,其自旋构型与拓扑绝缘体表面态相似。
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Condensed Matter Physics 32b6d9b44aed2e736475aa7d8501a18b86d6fa0b
图4, HgCr2Se4中霍尔电导随量子阱厚度d的台阶式跳变
1937年,意大利物理学家Ettore Majorana提出一组满足Dirac方程的实数解,与描述电子的复数解不同,这组实数解描述了一个具有电中性,且该粒子的反粒子就是其自身的全新粒子,后来被人们称为Majorana费米子。理论研究发现,Majorana费米子满足非阿贝尔统计规律,即操作粒子的结果与操作的先后顺序有关,这为设计新概念的拓扑量子计算机提供了重要途径。因而,寻找Majorana费米子既有重要的基础理论意义,也有巨大的潜在应用价值。
中国科学院物理研究所/北京凝聚态物理国家实验室的方忠研究组及其合作者,在该研究方向上取得重要进展,从理论上预言NaCoO2的表面态具有半金属性,在其与传统s波超导体的界面上可以诱导出拓扑超导态。NaxCoO2是层状结构材料〔图1〕,当x大于0.5而小于1.0时,CoO2层具有铁磁序而相邻层反铁磁排列;x=1.0时,NaCoO2是简单的能带绝缘体。翁红明、徐刚等人巧妙地利用这一特点,提出如果保持体内Na的浓度x=1.0,而部分或全部除去最外层的Na〔图1〕,通过理论计算发现,表面的CoO2层具有稳定的铁磁半金属性,而且只有单个自旋极化的费米面〔图2〕。由于Rashba型自旋轨道耦合效应,其费米面具有与拓扑绝缘体表面态费米面类似的自旋构型〔图2〕,因而可以用来实现p+ip型的拓扑超导态,并进而可能在其中找到Majorana费米子态。本工作以Rapid Communicaton形式发表在Phys. Rev. B 84, 060408 (2011),并被选为编辑推荐的文章。
徐刚等人在文章中进一步对该体系的拓扑结构进行了分析,指出这类“Weyl”费米子体系可以通过研究有效Chern数随着z方向动量演化来很好地刻画。“Weyl”费米子的一个重要的物理后果是在其侧表面上形成所谓的“费米弧”(见图 3),即不连续的费米面结构。这完全是其特殊的能带拓扑结构所导致的。同时,徐刚等人进一步预言,如果把HgCr2Se4材料制成有限厚度的量子阱,可以实现量子化的反常Hall效应(图 4)。该文章在Phys. Rev. Lett.发表以后,引起了编辑部的浓厚兴趣,他们专门约稿在Physics杂志上同步刊登了介绍文章,向读者重点推荐该工作,同时该文也被PRL编辑部评为当期的编辑推荐文章。

生活大爆炸里也有出线topological insulator,分享一篇文章

TBBT第4季14集: 戏剧催化课(附视频)摇滚驴 2011-04-03 12:25
Condensed Matter Physics 69ee4c4a20a44623d492c6319a22720e0df3d751
博主介绍: 大卫·萨尔兹保(David Saltzberg)是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的物理、天文学教授。与此同时,他还担当着《生活大爆炸》的科学顾问。剧中Sheldon一伙所说的那些专业术语,全部出自此人之手。在他的博客里又进一步阐释了那些令人挠头的科学小知识。

帖子数 : 126
注册日期 : 14-01-03

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Condensed Matter Physics Empty 回复: Condensed Matter Physics

帖子 由 贞诚 2016-02-06, 07:47

  本书共有1O章组成。1 交换几何学;2 经典哈密顿系统;3 代数量子化;4 代数量子化几何;5 几何量子化;6 超几何学;7 形变量子化;8 非交换几何学;9 量子群几何;10 附录。 
  本书的第一作者和第二作者在意大利Camerinu大学任教,而第三作者在俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学任教。本书针对的读者群体是广大的理论学家与数学家。那些对深入研究本书内容感兴趣的读者可以使用书后丰富的参考书。本书的最后一章附录中汇集了几个相关的数学论题。作者在书中引用的参考文献可通过以下网站查看。E-print arXiv(http://***.lanl.gov)。 
  (原中国科学院物理学研究所)Hu Guanghua,Senior Software Engineer 
  (Former Institute of Physics, 
  the Chinese Academy of Sciences)


帖子数 : 126
注册日期 : 14-01-03

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