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范畴(论) Empty 范畴(论)

帖子 由 一星 2013-09-05, 02:42




  • 哲学上的范畴

    • 亚里士多德著有《范畴篇》,他在书中论述了事物的所有十大基本方面(实体、数量、性质、关系、地点、时间、姿态、状况、活动和遭受),并称它们为范畴
    • 伊曼努尔·康德把范畴作为先天的理性,正是由于范畴的存在,我们才能够将经验转化为知识,并提出一个范畴体系,分为四类(量、质、关系和样式)范畴。

  • 数学上的范畴

    • 指那些类似的数学对象以及它们之间的保持结构的映射。详见范畴论


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帖子 由 一星 2013-09-05, 02:45



本文介绍数学中的范畴理论,其他参见范畴 (数学)范畴



考虑下面的例子:由组成的Grp 包含了所有具有“群结构”的物件。要证明有关群的定理,即可由此套公理进行逻辑的推导。例如,由公理中可立即证明出,群的单位元素是唯一的。


















主条目:范畴 (数学)态射

一个“范畴”C 是由如下3个数学实体所组成的:


  • 1.一个ob(C),其元素称为“物件”;
  • 2. 一个类hom(C),其元素称为“态射”或“箭号”。每个态射f 都只有一个“源物件”a 及一个“目标物件”b(其中a 和b 都在ob(C) 内),称之为“从a 至b 的态射”,标记为f : a → b
    所有从a 至b 的态射所组成的类称之为“态射类”,标记为hom(ab)homC(ab)mor(ab) 或C(ab)
  • 3.一个二元运算,称为“态射复合”,使得对任意三个物件ab 及c,都会有hom(bc) × hom(ab) → hom(ac)。两个态射f : a → bg : b → c 的复合写做g ∘ f 或gf,[1],并会符合下列两个公理:

  • 结合律:若f : a → bg : b → ch : c → d,则h ∘ (g ∘ f) = (h ∘ g) ∘ f
  • 单位元:对任意物件x,总存在一个态射1x : x → x(称为x 的单位态射),使得对每个态射f : a → b,都会有1b ∘ f = f = f ∘ 1a








  • Set 是所有集合和它们彼此之间的全函数构成的范畴
  • Ord 是所有预序集和其间的单调函数构成的范畴
  • Mag 是所有广群和其间的同态映射构成的范畴
  • Med 是所有对换广群和其间的同态映射构成的范畴
  • Grp 是所有和其间的群同态构成的范畴
  • Ab 是所有阿贝尔群和其间的群同态构成的范畴
  • VectK 是所有 K(K固定)上的向量空间和其间的K-线性映射构成的范畴
  • Top 是所有拓扑空间和其间的连续函数构成的范畴
  • Met 是所有度量空间和其间的测地映射构成的范畴
  • Uni 是所有一致空间和其间的一致连续函数构成的范畴
  • 任何偏序集 (P, ≤) 构成一个小范畴,其对象是 P 的元素,其态射是从 x 指向 y 的箭头,其中 x ≤ y
  • 任何以单一对象 x (x为任意固定集合)为基础的独异点构成一个小范畴。独异点的任意元素通过二元运算给出一个从 x 到 x 的映射,所有这些映射恰好是范畴的所有态射;范畴的复合态射也正好是独异点的二元运算。事实上,范畴可以看成独异点的推广;关于独异点的定义和定理有一些可以推广到范畴。
  • 任何有向图对应于一个小范畴:其对象是图的顶点,其态射是图的路径,其复合态射是路径的连接。称此范畴为有向图的“自由范畴”。
  • 设 I 是个集合,“I上的离散范畴”是一个小范畴,以 I 的元素为对象,以 I 的恒等映射为其唯一的态射。
  • 任何范畴 C 可以在另一种看法下成为一个新的范畴:它具有相同的对象,然而所有态射都是反方向的。称此为“对偶”或者“反范畴”,记作 Cop (op 来自英文的 opposite)。
  • 设 C 和 D 是范畴,则它们的“直积范畴”C × D 被定义为:其对象为取自 C 的一个对象和取自 D 的一个对象的有序对,其态射亦为取自C 的一个态射和取自 D 的一个态射的有序对,其复合态射则由其分量分别复合。



态射 f : A → B 称为


  • 单态射,如果 fg1 = fg2 ,则有 g1 = g2 ,此关系对所有态射 g1 ,g2 : X → A 成立。
  • 满态射,如果 g1f = g2f , 则有 g1 = g2 ,此关系对所有态射 g1 ,g2 : B → X 成立。
  • 同构,如果存在逆态射 g : B → A 使得 fg = idB 并且 gf = idA
  • 自同构,如果 f 是同构态射,并且有 A = B 。
  • 自同态,如果 A = B 。


映射之间的关系(比如 fg = h )在大多数情形下可用更直观的交换图来表示,在此图中对象被表示成顶点,态射被表示为箭头。



一个从范畴 C 到范畴 D 的(协变)函子 F 被定义为:


  • 对 C 中任意对象 X ,都有一个 D 中相应的对象 F(X) 与其对应;
  • 对 C 中任意态射 f : X → Y ,都有一个 D 中相应的态射 F(f) : F(X) →F(Y) 与其对应;




  • 对 C 中任意的对象 X ,都有 F(idX) = idF(X) 。
  • 对 C 中任意两个态射 f : X → Y 和 g : Y → Z,都有 F(g · f) = F(g) ·F(f) 。


一个从范畴 C 到范畴 D 的反变函子 F 不同于函子的地方仅在于将 D 中的映射箭头倒过来。比如说 f : X → Y 是 C 中任一态射,则有 F(f) : F(Y) → F(X) 。定义反变函子的最简捷的方法是作为 C 的反范畴 Cop 到 D 上的函子。






如果 F 和 G 是从范畴 C 到范畴 D 的(协变)函子,则从 F 到 G 的一个自然变换对于 C 中的任何对象 X ,都有一个 D 中相应的态射 ηX :F(X) → G(X) ,使得对 C 中的任何态射 f : X → Y ,都有 ηY · F(f) = G(f) · ηX ;这也就是说下列图表是可交换的
范畴(论) NaturalTransformation-01
两个函子 F 和 G 称为“自然同构”,如果存在一从 F 到 G 的自然变换,使得对所有 C 中的对象 X , ηX 是一个同构。


设 K 是, V 是 K 上的任意向量空间,则有从向量空间到其二重对偶的一个“自然”内射线性映射 V → V** 。这些映射在以下意义上是“自然”的:二重对偶运算是一个函子,这些映射正好构成了从恒等函子到二重对偶函子的自然变换。如果向量空间的维数是有限的,我们就得到一个自然同构;因为“有限向量空间自然同构于其二重对偶”。

考虑阿贝尔群及其同态构成的范畴 Ab 。对任意阿贝尔群 X 、 Y 和 Z ,我们得到群同构
Mor(X, Mor(Y, Z)) → Mor(X范畴(论) E9dd9013ec300ceba41484dfc2c9a876Y, Z) 。
这些同构是“自然”的,因为它们定义了两个函子间的一种自然变换:Abop × Abop × Ab → Ab 。


详见条目:泛性质极限 (范畴论)









  • 函子范畴 DC 以从 C 到 D 的函子为对象,以这些函子间的自然映射为泛射。米田引理刻划了函子范畴中可表示的函子,是范畴论最著名的基本结果之一。
  • 对偶原则:范畴论中,每一陈述,定理,或定义都有其“对偶”,实质上可以通过“反转所有箭头”来得到。如果一个陈述在范畴 C 中成立,那么它的对偶将在其对偶范畴 Cop 中成立。这一对偶性在范畴论的任何层次都是普适的,由于它经常不是很清晰,对偶性的应用可以揭示惊人的关联性。
  • 伴随函子:两个映射方向相反的函子对称为伴随函子,随着结合的顺序不同,分别为左伴随和右伴随。通常来自于由泛性质所定义的结构;也可以作为泛性质的一种更加抽象和更加强有力的看法。




  • 在许多范畴中,态射集合 Mor(A,B) 不仅仅是集合,实际上是阿贝尔群,态射的复合具有群结构,也就是说是双线性的。这种范畴被称为预加性的。如果这种范畴还具有所有有限的积和上积,则称为加性范畴。如果所有具有一个和一个上核,那么所有满射都是上核,所有单射都是核,我们称此为阿贝尔范畴。阿贝尔范畴的一个典型的例子是阿贝尔群所组成的范畴。
  • 一个范畴被称为是完备的,如果所有极限存在。集合,阿贝尔群和拓扑空间的范畴是完备的。
  • 一个范畴被称为是笛卡儿闭性的,如果它具有有限直积,并且一个定义在有限乘积上的态射总是可以表示成定义在其中一个因子上的态射。
  • 一个拓扑斯是一种特殊的笛卡儿闭范畴,在其中可表述(公理化)所有的数学结构(就象传统上使用集合论可以表示所有数学结构)。一个拓扑斯也可以用来表述一个逻辑理论。
  • 一个群胚是这样一种范畴,其中每一个映射都是一个同构。群胚是群、群作用等价关系的推广。

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帖子 由 一星 2013-09-05, 03:00


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帖子 由 一星 2013-09-05, 03:24


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帖子 由 一星 2013-09-05, 03:39


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帖子 由 一星 2014-04-05, 12:04


物理中的近代数学 Modern mathematics in physics--文小刚
范畴(论) C_right22014-04-02 03:27:17 范畴(论) C_right1 物理 
范畴(论) 20110317104238189

(人人网上流传甚广的日志,传说中的文教授的兔斯基+绿豆蛙卖萌体 ;-) ) 
It happens several times in the history of physics that a truly new phenomenon requires a new mathematics to describe it. 范畴(论) Y_0012 In fact, the appearance of new mathematics is a sign of truly new discovery. For example, Newton′s theory of mechanics requires calculus (which was invented for that purpose). Einstein′s theory of general relativity requires Riemannian geometry. Quantum theory requires linear algebra. Newton′s case is the only time when the physicists are ahead of mathematicians. 范畴(论) T_0003 When Newton was developing his theory, the required mathematics has not been invented yet. Newton had to invent calculus to describe his theory.

Right now, we are facing a similar situation. It is an exciting time in physics. 范畴(论) W_0014

For a long time, we thought that different phases of matter are described by symmetry breaking patterns, which are classified by group theory. Now we know that there are many new quantum phases of matter that are beyond symmetry breaking. Those new phases are described by the patterns of many-body quantum entanglement. 范畴(论) W_0022

In condensed matter physics, many-body entanglement is the origin of many new states of quantum matter (known as topologically ordered states, such as spin liquids and quantum Hall states), which host emergent gauge fields, and emergent Fermi or fractional statistics. It might be possible that our vacuum is a particular (long-range) entangled system whose emergent gauge fields and fermions are the elementary particles in the standard model. Such an emergent picture represent an unification of gauge interaction and fermions (see the blog http://blog.renren.com/blog/548682771/910821104 ).

Many-body entanglement is a truly new phenomenon. It requires a new mathematics to describe it. But what mathematics describe pattern of many-body entanglement (and classify topologically ordered phases)? Have mathematicians already found the right mathematics for many-body entanglement, or we need to invent such a mathematics by ourselves? 范畴(论) T_0013

To answer such question, we like to point out that, recently, it was realized that quantum many-body states (or many-body entanglement) can be divided into short-range entangled states and long-range entangled states.

The quantum phases with long-range entanglement correspond to topologically ordered phases. In two spatial dimensions, we have a quite good understanding of such long-range entangled states, which can be described by  fusion category theory (see cond-mat/0404617). Topological order in higher dimensions is much less understood, which may need higher category to describe them.

Recently, we obtained a systematic understanding of the quantum phases with short-range entanglement and symmetry G in any dimensions Such kind of states can be "classified" by Borel group cohomology theory of the symmetry group. (Those phases are called symmetry protected trivial (SPT) phases (see wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry_protected_topological_order  ).

The   quantum phases with short-range entanglement that break the symmetry are the familar Landau symmetry breaking states, which can be described by group theory.

So, to understand the symmetry breaking states, physicists have been forced to learn group theory. It looks like to understand patterns of many-body entanglement that correspond to topological order and SPT order, physicists will be forced to learn tensor category theory and group cohomology theory. In modern quantum many-body physics and in modern condensed matter physics, tensor category theory and group cohomology theory will be as useful as group theory. The days when physics students need to learn tensor category theory and group cohomology theory are coming, 范畴(论) T_0012may be soon. 范畴(论) T_0025 Here is an on-line course for modern mathematics http://blog.renren.com/blog/548682771/910851613 

Have mathematicians already found the right mathematics for many-body entanglement? Well, some related mathematics has been found, but we do not have a full story. To classify patterns of many-body entanglement in bosonic systems in any dimensions, we do need to develop new mathematics (and this is one of the frontier in Mathematics). To classify patterns of many-body entanglement in  fermionic systems, we surely need to develop new mathematics (and this may become one of the frontier in Mathematics). It is an exciting time in physics and mathematics. 范畴(论) T_0003范畴(论) W_0014范畴(论) Y_0001

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帖子 由 一星 2014-04-06, 03:51

Topological order

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ltr]This article is about quantum physics. For the graph-theoretical concept, see topological sort.
In physicstopological order [1] is a kind of order in zero-temperaturephase of matter (also known as quantum matter). Macroscopically, topological order is defined/described by robust ground state degeneracy[2] and quantized non-Abelian geometric phases of degenerate ground states[1] (just like superfluid order is defined/described by vanishing viscosity and quantized vorticity). Microscopically, topological order corresponds to pattern of long-range quantum entanglement[3] (just like superfluid order corresponds to boson condensation). States with different topological orders (or different patterns of long range entanglements) cannot change into each other without a phase transition.
Topologically ordered states have some amazing properties, such asground state degeneracy that cannot be lifted by any local perturbations but depends on the topology of space, quasiparticle fractional statisticsand fractional charges, perfect conducting edge states even in presence of magnetic impurities, topological entanglement entropy, etc. Topological order is important in the study of several physical systems such as spin liquids,[4][5][6][7] the quantum Hall effect,[8][9] along with potential applications to fault-tolerant quantum computation.[10]
We note that topological insulators[11] and topological superconductors (beyond 1D) do not have topological order as defined above (see discussion below).[/ltr]



Although all matter is formed by atoms, matter can have different properties and appear in different forms, such as solidliquidsuperfluid,magnet, etc. These various forms of matter are often called states of matter or phases. According to condensed matter physics and the principle of emergence, the different properties of materials originate from the different ways in which the atoms are organized in the materials. Those different organizations of the atoms (or other particles) are formally called the orders in the materials.[12]
Atoms can organize in many ways which lead to many different orders and many different types of materials. Landau symmetry-breaking theory provides a general understanding of these different orders. It points out that different orders really correspond to different symmetries in the organizations of the constituent atoms. As a material changes from one order to another order (i.e., as the material undergoes a phase transition), what happens is that the symmetry of the organization of the atoms changes.
For example, atoms have a random distribution in a liquid, so a liquid remains the same as we displace it by an arbitrary distance. We say that a liquid has a continuous translation symmetry. After a phase transition, a liquid can turn into a crystal. In a crystal, atoms organize into a regular array (a lattice). A lattice remains unchanged only when we displace it by a particular distance (integer times of lattice constant), so a crystal has onlydiscrete translation symmetry. The phase transition between a liquid and a crystal is a transition that reduces the continuous translation symmetry of the liquid to the discrete symmetry of the crystal. Such change in symmetry is called symmetry breaking. The essence of the difference between liquids and crystals is therefore that the organizations of atoms have different symmetries in the two phases.
Landau symmetry-breaking theory is a very successful theory. For a long time, physicists believed that Landau symmetry-breaking theory describes all possible orders in materials, and all possible (continuous) phase transitions.
Discovery and Characterization[edit]
However, since late 1980s, it has become gradually apparent that Landau symmetry-breaking theory may not describe all possible orders. In an attempt to explain high temperature superconductivity[13] the chiral spin state was introduced.[4][5] At first, physicists still wanted to use Landau symmetry-breaking theory to describe the chiral spin state. They identified the chiral spin state as a state that breaks the time reversal and parity symmetries, but not the spin rotation symmetry. This should be the end of story according to Landau's symmetry breaking description of orders. However, it was quickly realized that there are many different chiral spin states that have exactly the same symmetry, so symmetry alone was not enough to characterize different chiral spin states. This means that the chiral spin states contain a new kind of order that is beyond the usual symmetry description.[14] The proposed, new kind of order was named "topological order".[1] (The name "topological order" is motivated by the low energy effective theory of the chiral spin states which is a topological quantum field theory (TQFT)[15][16][17]). New quantum numbers, such asground state degeneracy[14] and the non-Abelian geometric phase of degenerate ground states,[1] were introduced to characterize/define the different topological orders in chiral spin states. Recently, it was shown that topological orders can also be characterized by topological entropy.[18][19]
But experiments soon indicated that chiral spin states do not describe high-temperature superconductors, and the theory of topological order became a theory with no experimental realization. However, the similarity between chiral spin states and quantum Hall states allows one to use the theory of topological order to describe different quantum Hall states.[2] Just like chiral spin states, different quantum Hall states all have the same symmetry and are beyond the Landau symmetry-breaking description. One finds that the different orders in different quantum Hall states can indeed be described by topological orders, so the topological order does have experimental realizations.
Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states were discovered in 1982[8][9] before the introduction of the concept of topological order. But FQH states are not the first experimentally discovered topologically ordered states, assuperconductors, having Z2 topological order, were discovered earlier, in 1911. [notes 1]
Although topologically ordered states usually appear in strongly interacting boson/fermion systems, a simple kind of topological order can also appear in free fermion systems. This kind of topological order correspond in integral quantum Hall state, which can be characterized by the Chern number of the filled energy band if we consider integral quantum Hall state on a lattice. Theoretical calculations have proposed that such Chern number can be measured for a free fermion system experimentally.[23][24]It is also well known that such a Chern number can be measured (maybe indirectly) by edge states.
List of unsolved problems in physics
Is topological order stable at non-zerotemperature?
A large class of 2+1D topological orders is realized through a mechanism called string-net condensation.[25] This class of topological orders can have a gapped edge and are classified by unitary fusion category (ormonoidal category) theory. One finds that string-net condensation can generate infinitely many different types of topological orders, which may indicate that there are many different new types of materials remaining to be discovered.
The collective motions of condensed strings give rise to excitations above the string-net condensed states. Those excitations turn out to be gauge bosons. The ends of strings are defects which correspond to another type of excitations. Those excitations are the gauge charges and can carryFermi or fractional statistics.[26]
The condensations of other extended objects such as "membranes",[27]"brane-nets",[28] and fractals also lead to topologically ordered phases[29]and "quantum glassiness".[30]
Mathematical Foundation[edit]
We know that group theory is the mathematical foundation of symmetry breaking orders. What is the mathematical foundation of topological order? The string-net condensation suggests that tensor category (such as fusion category or monoidal category) is part of the mathematical foundation of topological order in 2+1D. Topological order in higher dimensions may be related to n-Category theory. Quantum operator algebra is a very important mathematical tool in studying topological orders. A subclass of toplogical order—Abelian topological order in two dimensions—can be classified by a K-matrix approach.[31] Some also suggest that topological order is mathematically described by extended quantum symmetry.[32]

范畴(论) 200px-Topological_insulator_band_structure.svg

范畴(论) Magnify-clip
An idealized band structure for atopological insulator.

The materials described by Landau symmetry-breaking theory have had a substantial impact on technology. For example, ferromagnetic materials that break spin rotation symmetry can be used as the media of digital information storage. A hard drive made of ferromagnetic materials can store gigabytes of information. Liquid crystals that break the rotational symmetry of molecules find wide application in display technology; nowadays one can hardly find a household without a liquid crystal display somewhere in it. Crystals that break translation symmetry lead to well defined electronic bands which in turn allow us to make semiconducting devices such as transistors. Different types of topological orders are even richer than different types of symmetry-breaking orders. This suggests their potential for exciting, novel applications.
One theorized application would be to use topologically ordered states as media for quantum computing in a technique known as topological quantum computing. A topologically ordered state is a state with complicated non-local quantum entanglement. The non-locality means that the quantum entanglement in a topologically ordered state is distributed among many different particles. As a result, the pattern of quantum entanglements cannot be destroyed by local perturbations. This significantly reduces the effect of decoherence. This suggests that if we use different quantum entanglements in a topologically ordered state to encode quantum information, the information may last much longer.[33]The quantum information encoded by the topological quantum entanglements can also be manipulated by dragging the topological defects around each other. This process may provide a physical apparatus for performing quantum computations.[34] Therefore, topologically ordered states may provide natural media for both quantum memory and quantum computation. Such realizations of quantum memory and quantum computation may potentially be made fault tolerant.[35]
Topologically ordered states in general have a special property that they contain non-trivial boundary states. In many cases, those boundary states become perfect conducting channel that can conduct electricity without generating heat.[36] This can be another potential application of topological order in electronic devices.
Similar to topological order, topological insulators[37][38] also have gapless boundary states. The boundary states of topological insulators play a key role in the detection and the application of topological insulators. This observation naturally leads to a question: are topological insulators examples of topologically ordered states? In fact topological insulators are different from topologically ordered states defined in this article.Topological insulators only have short-ranged entanglements, while the topological order defined in this article is a pattern of long-range entanglement. Topological order is robust against any perturbations. It has emergent gauge theory, emergent fractional charge and fractional statistics. In contrast, topological insulators are robust only against perturbations that respect time-reversal and U(1) symmetries. Their quasi-particle excitations have no fractional charge and fractional statistics. Strictly speaking, topological insulator is an example of SPT order,[39]where the first example of SPT order is the Haldane phase of spin-1 chain.[40]
Potential impact[edit]
Landau symmetry-breaking theory is a cornerstone of condensed matter physics. It is used to define the territory of condensed matter research. The existence of topological order appears to indicate that nature is much richer than Landau symmetry-breaking theory has so far indicated. So topological order opens up a new direction in condensed matter physics—a new direction of highly entangled quantum matter. We realize that quantum phases of matter (i.e. the zero-temperature phases of matter) can be divided into two classes: long range entangled states and short range entangled states.[3] Topological order is the notion that describes the long range entangled states: topological order = pattern of long range entanglements. Short range entangled states are trivial in the sense that they all belong to one phase. However, in the presence of symmetry, even short range entangled states are nontrivial and can belong to different phases. Those phases are said to contain SPT order.[39] SPT order generalizes the notion of topological insulator to interacting systems.
Some suggest that topological order (or more precisely, string-net condensation) in local bosonic (spin) models have the potential to provide a unified origin for photonselectrons and other elementary particles in our universe.[41]
See also[edit][/ltr]


  1. Jump up^ Note that superconductivity can be described by the Ginzburg-Landau theory with dynamical U(1) EM gauge field, which is a Z2 gauge theory, that is, an effective theory of Z2 topological order. The prediction of the vortex state in superconductors was one of the main successes of Ginzburg-Landau theory with dynamical U(1) gauge field. The vortex in the gauged Ginzburg-Landau theory is nothing but the Z2 flux line in the Z2 gauge theory. The Ginzburg-Landau theory without the dynamical U(1) gauge field fail to describe the real superconductors with dynamical electromagnetic interaction.[20][21][22] However, in condensed matter physics, superconductor usually refer to a state with non-dynamical EM gauge field. Such a state is a symmetry breaking state with no topological order.

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帖子 由 一星 2014-04-06, 03:53


  1. Jump up to:a b c d Xiao-Gang WenTopological Orders in Rigid States. Int. J. Mod. PhysB4, 239 (1990)
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  20. Jump up^ Xiao-Gang Wen, Mean Field Theory of Spin Liquid States with Finite Energy Gaps and Topological Orders, Phys. Rev. B44, 2664 (1991).
  21. Jump up^ T. H. Hansson, Vadim Oganesyan, S. L. Sondhi, Superconductors are topologically ordered, Annals Of Physics vol. 313, 497 (2004)
  22. Jump up^ Xiao-Liang Qi; Edward Witten; Shou-Cheng Zhang (2012). Axion topological field theory of topological superconductorsarXiv:1206.1407.Bibcode:2013PhRvB..87m4519Qdoi:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.134519.
  23. Jump up^ Juzeliūnas, Gediminas; Ian Spielman (2011). "Seeing Topological Order"Physics Today 4 (99). Bibcode:2011PhyOJ...4...99J.doi:10.1103/Physics.4.99.
  24. Jump up^ Zhang, Y. F.; Li, Huichao; Sheng, L.; Shen, R.; Xing, D. Y. (2012).Entanglement and Subsystem Particle Numbers in Free Fermion SystemsarXiv:1111.0791Bibcode:2011arXiv1111.0791Z.
  25. Jump up^ Michael Levin, Xiao-Gang Wen, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 045110 (2005), "String-net condensation: A physical mechanism for topological phases"
  26. Jump up^ Levin M. and Wen X-G., Fermions, strings, and gauge fields in lattice spin models., Phys. Rev. B 67, 245316, (2003).
  27. Jump up^ Alioscia Hamma, Paolo Zanardi, Xiao-Gang Wen, Phys.Rev. B72035307 (2005), String and Membrane condensation on 3D lattices
  28. Jump up^ H. Bombin, M.A. Martin-Delgado, cond-mat/0607736, Exact Topological Quantum Order in D=3 and Beyond: Branyons and Brane-Net Condensates
  29. Jump up^ Xiao-Gang WenInt. J. Mod. Phys. B5, 1641 (1991); Topological Orders and Chern-Simons Theory in strongly correlated quantum liquid. a review containing comments on topological orders in higher dimensions and/or inHiggs phases; also introduced a dimension index (DI) to characterize the robustness of the ground state degeneracy of a topologically ordered state. If DI is less or equal to 1, then topological orders cannot exist at finite temperature.
  30. Jump up^ Quantum Glassiness.,Chamon C., Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 040402, (2005).
  31. Jump up^ B. Blok and Xiao-Gang Wen, Effective theories of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at Generic Filling Fractions, Phys. Rev. B 42 8133 (1990); B. Blok and Xiao-Gang Wen, Effective theories of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Hierarchical Construction, Phys. Rev. B 42 8145 (1990); N. Read,Excitation structure of the hierarchy scheme in the fractional quantum Hall effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 1502 (1990); Xiao-Gang Wen and A. Zee, A Classification and Matrix Formulation of the abelian FQH states, Phys. Rev. B 46 2290 (1992);
  32. Jump up^ Algebraic Topology Foundations of Supersymmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: A Review., Baianu, I.C., J.F. Glazebrook and R. Brown.,SIGMA-081030,(2009), 78 pages.
  33. Jump up^ Eric Dennis, Alexei Kitaev, Andrew Landahl, and John Preskill, J. Math. Phys., 43, 4452 (2002), Topological quantum memory
  34. Jump up^ Michael H. Freedman, Alexei Kitaev, Michael J. Larsen, and Zhenghan Wang, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 40, 31 (2003), "Topological quantum computation"
  35. Jump up^ A. Yu. Kitaev Ann. Phys. (N.Y.), 303, 1 (2003), Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons
  36. Jump up^ Xiao-Gang Wen, Phys. Rev. B, 43, 11025 (1991), "Gapless Boundary Excitations in the FQH States and in the Chiral Spin States"
  37. Jump up^ C. Kane and E. Mele, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801 (2005).
  38. Jump up^ S. Murakami, N. Nagaosa, and S.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 156804 (2004).
  39. Jump up to:a b Xie Chen, Zheng-Xin Liu, Xiao-Gang Wen2D symmetry protected topological orders and their protected gapless edge excitations Phys. Rev. B 84, 235141 (2011)
  40. Jump up^ F. D. M. Haldane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1153 (1983), Phys. Lett. 93,464 (1983); I. Affleck and F. D. M. Haldane, Pyhs. Rev. B 36, 5291 (1987); I. Affleck, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 1, 3047 (1989).
  41. Jump up^ Levin M. and Wen X-G., Colloquium: Photons and electrons as emergent phenomena, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 871 (2005), 4 pages; also, Quantum ether: Photons and electrons from a rotor model., arXiv:hep-th/0507118 (2007).

References by categories[edit]
Fractional quantum Hall states[edit]

  • D. C. Tsui and H. L. Stormer and A. C. Gossard, Phys. Rev. Lett., 48, 1559 (1982), "Two-Dimensional Magnetotransport in the Extreme Quantum Limit"
  • R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 50, 1395 (1983), "Anomalous Quantum Hall Effect: An Incompressible Quantum Fluid with Fractionally Charged Excitations"

Chiral spin states[edit]

  • V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, 2095 (1987), "Equivalence of the resonating-valence-bond and fractional quantum Hall states"
  • Xiao-Gang WenF. Wilczek and A. Zee, Phys. Rev., B39, 11413 (1989), "Chiral Spin States and Superconductivity"

Early characterization of FQH states[edit]

  • Off-diagonal long-range order, oblique confinement, and the fractional quantum Hall effect, S. M. Girvin and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, 1252 (1987)
  • Effective-Field-Theory Model for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, S. C. Zhang and T. H. Hansson and S. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 82 (1989)

Topological order[edit]
Characterization of topological order[edit]
Effective theory of topological order[edit]

  • Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial, E. Witten, Comm. Math. Phys., 121, 351 (1989)

Mechanism of topological order[edit]
Quantum computing[edit]
Emergence of elementary particles[edit]

  • Xiao-Gang Wen, Phys. Rev. D68, 024501 (2003), Quantum order from string-net condensations and origin of light and massless fermions
  • M. Levin and Xiao-Gang Wen, Fermions, strings, and gauge fields in lattice spin models., Phys. Rev. B 67, 245316, (2003).
  • M. Levin and Xiao-Gang Wen, Colloquium: Photons and electrons as emergent phenomena, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, Nu 12:19, 9 April 2009 (UTC)871 (2005), 4 pages; also, Quantum ether: Photons and electrons from a rotor model., arXiv:hep-th/0507118,2007.
  • Zheng-Cheng Gu and Xiao-Gang Wen, gr-qc/0606100, A lattice bosonic model as a quantum theory of gravity,

Quantum operator algebra[edit]


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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 04:13


[ltr]数学中,同调论(homology theory)是拓扑空间“圈的同调”之直觉几何想法的公理化研究。它可以宽泛地定义为研究拓扑空间的同调理论。



直觉上,同调是取一个等价关系,如果 C - D 是一个高一维链的边界,则链 C 与 D 是同调的。最简单的例子是在图论中,有 C 和 D 两组顶点集,考虑到从 P到 Q 的有向边 E 的边缘是 Q-P。从 D 到 C 的一些边的集合,每一个与前一个相连,是一个同调。
一般的,一个 k-链视为形式组合
范畴(论) Ac05e8bd61dca86b3d16456329a4c477
其中 范畴(论) D8dd7d0f3eb7145ca41c711457b7eb8f 是整数而 范畴(论) 35b35a527030cca017dbc36fcd8a0387 是 X 上的 k-维单形。这里的边缘取一个单形的边界;它导致一个高维概念,k=1 即类似于图论情形中的裂项和。这个解释是1900年的风格,从技术上讲有些原始。
例如,若 X 是一个二维环面 TT 上一个一维圈从直觉来说是 T 中曲线之线性组合,且这些曲线是闭合的(圈条件,等价于没有边界)。如果 C 与 D 是以同样方式绕 T 一周的圈,则我们可清晰地找出 T 上一个定向区域其边界是C − D。可以证明整系数 1-圈的同调类构成一个有两个生成元的自由阿贝尔群,他们是绕此环面的两种不同方式。
例如,考虑最先由庞加莱于1899年表述的一般斯托克斯定理:它必须涉及一个积分项(现在我们称为微分形式)和一个积分区域(一个 p-链),以及两类边缘算子,一个用现代术语是外微分,另一个是上包含了定向的几何边缘算子,它可用于同调论。这两个算子是关于积分是伴随算子
从1940年到1960年,代数拓扑迅速地发展,同调论的角色通常作为基本理论,容易计算,拓扑学家用它去计算其它函子。艾伦伯格斯廷罗德的同调论公理化(艾伦伯格-斯廷罗德公理)揭示了同调理论的不同候选通常是,粗糙地讲,某些正合序列特别是迈耶-菲托里斯序列,以及算出了一个点的同调的维数公理。在拓扑K-理论配边理论中导出的(上)同调,在同伦论中成为标准的推广到异常(上)同调论,中维数公里减弱了。他们对 CW复形范畴容易刻画。

  1. ^ Hilton 1988,第284页



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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 04:15


[ltr]数学上(特别是代数拓扑抽象代数),同调 (homology,在希腊语homos = 同)是一类将一个可换群或者序列和特定数学对象(例如拓扑空间或者)联系起来的过程。背景知识请参看同调论



其过程如下:给定对象范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383,首先定义链复形,它包含了范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的信息。一个链复形是一个由群同态联系起来的可换群或者模范畴(论) 002c91f28488d843db692ca1e5172122的序列,群同态范畴(论) 106911f895e0d1c607f82f675f5d97c7满足任何两个相连的同态的复合为0: 范畴(论) 9100a4f41d6852e4a79a06c5dc3a425a对于所有n成立。着意味着第n+1个映射的包含在第n个映射的中,我们定义X的第n阶同调群因子群(因子模)
范畴(论) A17029c90b622d91ef02b66f0c0f8da9
链复形称为正合的,如果(n + 1)阶映射的像总是等于n阶映射的核。因此范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的同调群是范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383所关联的链复形和正合有“多远”的衡量。
导致引入这个概念的例子是代数拓扑单纯复形范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383单纯同调范畴(论) 5614f2f428505eeff293fcebfdc6c8c3在这里就是范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383中的n维可定向单纯形所生成的自由可换群或者模。这些映射称为边界映射,它将单纯形
范畴(论) 9dc7ebe1eb47499adf287e816953bdd6
范畴(论) Eb991c4d5395b21446e30e0b87b4a084
如果我们将模取在一个域上,则范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383n阶同调的维数就是范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383n维的洞的个数。
仿照这个例子,可以定义任何拓扑空间范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的奇异同调。我们定义范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的上同调的链复形中的空间为范畴(论) 5614f2f428505eeff293fcebfdc6c8c3为自由可换群(或者自由模),其生成元为所有从n单纯形范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383连续函数。同态范畴(论) 05a595160436dae94b5be4cad095ddb9从单纯形的边界映射得到。
抽象代数中,同调用于定义导出函子,例如,Tor函子。这里,我们可以从某个可加协变函子范畴(论) 800618943025315f869e4e1f09471012和某个模范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383开始。范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的链复形定义如下:首先找到一个自由模范畴(论) 39a427e0b250982dd0fab7c404b4e2c2和一个同态范畴(论) 1d1daee8dd5fab30bd35b750ae755403。然后找到一个自由模范畴(论) 162b23614f3de15ba9c77440d9b75780和一个满同态范畴(论) 39d75b8c71ac75ce690213ce6927e509。以该方式继续,得到一个自由模范畴(论) 3c55419967d78bff97d6a021132c947d和同态范畴(论) 4f39d92eed7666b4906cbdb90a754cf6的序列。将函子范畴(论) 800618943025315f869e4e1f09471012应用于这个序列,得到一个链复形;这个复形的同调范畴(论) 83ebf1e52c0751dae18d910f74dc3818仅依赖于范畴(论) 800618943025315f869e4e1f09471012范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383,并且按定义就是范畴(论) 800618943025315f869e4e1f09471012作用于范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383n阶导出函子。
链复形构成一个范畴:从链复形范畴(论) 478a0aa1cfd459cd2ae408b3d068ba1d到链复形范畴(论) A407e49bc0122fb653d0b55808dcd27f的态射是一个同态的序列范畴(论) 1b141dbd2e799089ce674e027b10be96,满足范畴(论) 8f4caf18bc7356f737290cf84bde6737对于所有n成立。n阶同调 范畴(论) 83ebf1e52c0751dae18d910f74dc3818可以视为一个从链复形的范畴到可换群(或者模)的范畴的协变函子
若链复形以协变的方式依赖于对象范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383(也就是任何态射范畴(论) 64bc1dccd8d74f48801d1cea3c21b94e诱导出一个从范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的链复形到范畴(论) 57cec4137b614c87cb4e24a3d003a3e0的链复形的态射),则范畴(论) 83ebf1e52c0751dae18d910f74dc3818是从范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383所属的范畴到可换群(或模)的范畴的函子
同调和上同调的唯一区别是上同调中的链复形以逆变方式依赖于范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383,因此其同调群(在这个情况下称为上同调群并记为范畴(论) 48c053e911c2a2f00b37d2b6803c0dbb)构成从范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383所属的范畴到可换群或者模的范畴的逆变函子。
范畴(论) 478a0aa1cfd459cd2ae408b3d068ba1d是链复形,满足出有限个范畴(论) 5614f2f428505eeff293fcebfdc6c8c3外所有项都是零,而非零的都是有限生成可换群(或者有限维向量空间),则可以定义欧拉示性数
范畴(论) Afef1604fa918bfe6faa64bb07742135
范畴(论) Be6192803a7990a027f4021bb5405108
并且,特别是在代数拓扑中,这提供了两个计算产生链复形的对象范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383的重要的不变量范畴(论) 79c40dd2b43f3c03eaf88b5fc4c199b8.
范畴(论) 4bc40621ea00da1936750b9b3c9d520e
范畴(论) 21b7e9a7049353dc8728723e82c5a55e
所有这个长正合序列中的映射由链复形间的映射导出,除了映射范畴(论) Dd1c21b83282a46e7c2be3444a08d63c之外。后者称为 连接同态,有蛇引理给出。


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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 04:17


[ltr]数学上,向量丛是一个几何构造,为拓扑空间(或流形,或代数簇)的每一点相容地附上一个向量空间,而这些向量空间“粘起来”又构成一个拓扑空间(或流形,或代数簇)。 一个典型的例子是微分流形Differentiable manifold)的切丛:对流形的每一点附上流形在该点的切空间。 另一个例子是法丛:给定一个平面上的光滑曲线,可在曲线的每一点附上和曲线垂直的直线;这就是曲线的"法丛"。




  • 一个拓扑空间X("基空间")和E("全空间")
  • 一个连续映射π : E → X("投影")
  • X中的每个x,纤维上的向量空间π−1({x})满足以下相容性条件:对X中的一点有一个开邻域U,一个自然数n,和一个同胚φ : U × Rn → π−1(U)使得对U中的每点x:
  • πφ(x,v) = x 对所有Rn中的v成立
  • 映射v |-> φ(x,v)导出一个向量空间Rn和π−1({x})的同构.

开邻域U和同胚φ合起来叫做丛的局部平凡化。这表示映射π在局部看起来像U × RnU上的投影.
向量丛称为平凡,如果有一个整体平凡化,也就是如果它看起来像X × Rn →X.
每个向量丛π : E → X满射,因为向量空间不能为空集
每个纤维π−1({x})是一个有限维实向量空间,所以有一个维数dx.函数x |->dx局部常数,也就是它在所有X连通分支上常数。如果它在X上是全局常数的话,我们把这个维数叫做向量丛的。一阶向量丛也叫线丛
一个从向量丛π1 : E1 → X1到向量丛π2 : E2 → X2态射(morphism)是一对连续映射f : E1 → E2g : X1 → X2使得

  • gπ1 = π2f

范畴(论) BundleMorphism-01

  • 对于每个X1中的x,由f诱导的映射π1−1({x}) → π2−1({g(x)})是一个向量空间的线性变换

我们可以考虑有一个固定基空间X的所有向量丛组成的范畴。我们取那些在基空间X上为恒等映射(identity map)的射作为在这个范畴中的射. 也就是说,丛射满足下面的交换图
范畴(论) BundleMorphism-02
给定一个向量丛π : E → X和一个开子集U,我们可以考虑π在U上的截面,也就是连续函数s : U → E满足πs = idU.本质上,截面给U的每一点一个从附在该点的向量空间中所取的向量,取值要有连续性。
F(U)为U上所有截面的集合. F(U)总有至少一个元素:把V中的x映射到π−1({x})的零元素的函数s.使用每点的加法和数乘,F(U)本身也成为了向量空间.这些向量空间的总和就是X上的向量空间的
s属于F(U)而α : U → R是一连续映射,则αs属于F(U).我们可以看到F(U)是一个U上的连续实值函数的环上的.进一步讲,若OX表示X上连续函数的层结构,则F是OX-模的一个层.
不是OX-模的每个层都是以这种方式从向量丛的导的:只有局部自由层可以从这种方法得到。(理由:局部的,我们要找一个投影U × Rn → U的一个截面,这些恰好是连续函数U → Rn,并且这一函数是连续函数U → Rn-元组.)
光滑向量丛定义为满足EX光滑流形,π : E → X是光滑映射,而局部平凡化映射φ是微分同胚的向量丛。

  • Milnor, John W.; Stasheff, James D. Characteristic classes. Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 76. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J.; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1974. vii+331 pp. ISBN 0-691-08122-0.


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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 04:19


[ltr]数学上,特别是在代数拓扑微分几何中,陈类Chern class)是一类复向量丛示性类, 类比于斯蒂弗尔-惠特尼类Stiefel-Whitney class)作为实向量丛示性类



公理1. 对于任何范畴(论) 056f85e6e2c7e61bccdeb4c4d957d2ca
公理2. 自然性:如果范畴(论) 6179c3b1107640e06c9de5db64727bcf是一个复向量丛范畴(论) 7bf3b67e86ca3abaf9c2f5a2888df8cd 是一个连续映射范畴(论) 4ddb7562c0574d9a26f03197e74b8a89拉回的向量丛,那么对任意k,范畴(论) A9ff7f2316e71ea324943384223533d6.
公理3. 惠特尼求和公式:如果范畴(论) 13339cbc650f53afb50fffb871a46686是两个复向量丛,那么它们的直和 范畴(论) 86155fc9ff8c60689af148fbdce1aba1的陈类是
范畴(论) 7a0a98c0674ec42541e9c1f29f7649a6.
公理4. 如果范畴(论) 3eb7575e05d8c51faa0069e9debd9e6c是复射影直线上的超平面丛,那么范畴(论) 54397e26366cf45feda37cd0e0404eed庞加莱对偶范畴(论) 4ffcf9125d9caf1e9dfd438e48a1ff11.
同时,有很多处理这个定义的办法:陈省身最初使用了微分几何;在代数拓扑中,陈类是通过同伦理论定义的,该理论提供了把E 和一个分类空间(在这个情况下是格拉斯曼流形联系起来的映射;还有亚历山大·格罗滕迪克的一种办法,表明公理上只需定义线丛的情况就够了。陈类也自然的出现在代数几何中。

M′ 是另一个同维度的近复流形,则它和M配边,当且仅当M′和M陈数相同.
陈类理论有个一般化,其中普通的上同调由一个广义上同调群理论所代替。使得这种一般化成为可能的称为复可定向的理论。陈类的形式化属性依然相同,但有一个关键的不同:计算线丛的张量积的第一陈类的规则不是各个因子的(普通)加法而是一个形式化群法则(formal group law)。


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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 04:20

Morse theory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Morse function)

[ltr]"Morse function" redirects here. In another context, a "Morse function" can also mean an anharmonic oscillator: see Morse potential
In differential topologyMorse theory enables one to analyze thetopology of a manifold by studying differentiable functions on that manifold. According to the basic insights of Marston Morse, a typical differentiable function on a manifold will reflect the topology quite directly. Morse theory allows one to find CW structures and handle decompositions on manifolds and to obtain substantial information about their homology.
Before Morse, Arthur Cayley and James Clerk Maxwell had developed some of the ideas of Morse theory in the context of topography. Morse originally applied his theory to geodesics (critical points of the energyfunctional on paths). These techniques were used in Raoul Bott's proof of his periodicity theorem.
The analogue of Morse theory for complex manifolds is Picard–Lefschetz theory.



Basic concepts[edit]
范畴(论) 220px-Saddle_point
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A saddle point
Consider, for purposes of illustration, a mountainous landscape M. If f is the function M→ R sending each point to its elevation, then the inverse imageof a point in R (a level set) is simply a contour line. Each connected component of a contour line is either a point, a simpleclosed curve, or a closed curve with a double point. Contour lines may also have points of higher order (triple points, etc.), but these are unstable and may be removed by a slight deformation of the landscape. Double points in contour lines occur at saddle points, or passes. Saddle points are points where the surrounding landscape curves up in one direction and down in the other.
范畴(论) 220px-Saddle_contours.svg
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Contour lines around a saddle point
Imagine flooding this landscape with water. Then, the region covered by water when the water reaches an elevation of a isf−1(−∞, a], or the points with elevation less than or equal to a. Consider how the topology of this region changes as the water rises. It appears, intuitively, that it does not change except when a passes the height of a critical point; that is, a point where the gradient of f is 0(that is the Jacobian matrix acting as a linear map from the tangent space at that point to the tangent space at its image under the map f does not have maximal rank). In other words, it does not change except when the water either (1) starts filling a basin, (2) covers a saddle (a mountain pass), or (3) submerges a peak.
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The torus
To each of these three types of critical points – basins, passes, and peaks (also called minima, saddles, and maxima) – one associates a number called the index. Intuitively speaking, the index of a critical point b is the number of independent directions around b in which f decreases. Therefore, the indices of basins, passes, and peaks are 0, 1, and 2, respectively. Rigorously, index of a critical point is the dimension of the negative-definite submatrix of the hessian matrix calculated at that point . In case of smooth maps, the hessian matrix turns out to be a diagonal matrix
Define Ma as f−1(−∞, a]. Leaving the context of topography, one can make a similar analysis of how the topology of Ma changes as a increases whenM is a torus oriented as in the image and f is projection on a vertical axis, taking a point to its height above the plane.
范畴(论) 220px-3D-Cylinder_and_disk_with_handle
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These figures are homotopy equivalent.

范畴(论) 220px-3D-Cylinder_with_handle_and_torus_with_hole
范畴(论) Magnify-clip
These figures are homotopy equivalent.
Starting from the bottom of the torus, let pqr, and s be the four critical points of index 0, 1, 1, and 2, respectively. When a is less than 0, Ma is the empty set. After apasses the level of p, when 0<a<f(q), then Ma is a disk, which is homotopy equivalent to a point (a 0-cell), which has been "attached" to the empty set. Next, when a exceeds the level of q, andf(q)<a<f(r), then Ma is a cylinder, and is homotopy equivalent to a disk with a 1-cell attached (image at left). Once a passes the level ofr, and f(r)<a<f(s), then Ma is a torus with a disk removed, which is homotopy equivalent to a cylinderwith a 1-cell attached (image at right). Finally, when a is greater than the critical level of sMa is a torus. A torus, of course, is the same as a torus with a disk removed with a disk (a 2-cell) attached.
One therefore appears to have the following rule: the topology of Mα does not change except when α passes the height of a critical point, and when α passes the height of a critical point of index γ, a γ-cell is attached to Mα. This does not address the question of what happens when two critical points are at the same height. That situation can be resolved by a slight perturbation of f. In the case of a landscape (or a manifold embedded inEuclidean space), this perturbation might simply be tilting the landscape slightly, or rotating the coordinate system.
This rule, however, is false as stated. To see this, let M = R and let f(x) =x3. Then 0 is a critical point of f, but the topology of Mα does not change when α passes 0. In fact, the concept of index does not make sense. The problem is that the second derivative is also 0 at 0. This kind of situation is called a degenerate critical point. Note that this situation is unstable: by rotating the coordinate system under the graph, the degenerate critical point either is removed or breaks up into two non-degenerate critical points.
Formal development[edit]
For a real-valued smooth function f : M → R on a differentiable manifoldM, the points where the differential of f vanishes are called critical points off and their images under f are called critical values. If at a critical point b, the matrix of second partial derivatives (the Hessian matrix) is non-singular, then b is called a non-degenerate critical point; if the Hessian is singular then b is a degenerate critical point.
For the functions
范畴(论) 59788f95f0bab93bd0bf86b59fc413ba
from R to Rf has a critical point at the origin if b=0, which is non-degenerate if c≠0 (i.e. f is of the form a+cx2+...) and degenerate if c=0 (i.e.f is of the form a+dx3+...). A less trivial example of a degenerate critical point is the origin of the monkey saddle.
The index of a non-degenerate critical point b of f is the dimension of the largest subspace of the tangent space to M at b on which the Hessian is negative definite. This corresponds to the intuitive notion that the index is the number of directions in which f decreases. The degeneracy and index of a critical point are independent of the choice of the local coordinate system used, as shown by Sylvester's Law.
Morse lemma[edit]
Let b be a non-degenerate critical point of f : M → R. Then there exists achart (x1x2, ..., xn) in a neighborhood U of b such that 范畴(论) D2472d934469c37c90c61515251a37d0 for all iand
范畴(论) 772fec95bd5414ebfcb8bc76bfe974c7
throughout U. Here α is equal to the index of f at b. As a corollary of the Morse lemma, one sees that non-degenerate critical points are isolated. (Regarding an extension to the complex domain see Complex Morse Lemma. For a generalization, see Morse-Palais lemma).
Fundamental theorems[edit]
A smooth real-valued function on a manifold M is a Morse function if it has no degenerate critical points. A basic result of Morse theory says that almost all functions are Morse functions. Technically, the Morse functions form an open, dense subset of all smooth functions M → R in the C2topology. This is sometimes expressed as "a typical function is Morse" or "a generic function is Morse".
As indicated before, we are interested in the question of when the topology of Ma = f−1(−∞, a] changes as a varies. Half of the answer to this question is given by the following theorem.
Theorem. Suppose f is a smooth real-valued function on Ma < b,f−1[ab] is compact, and there are no critical values between a and b. Then Ma is diffeomorphic to Mb, and Mb deformation retracts onto Ma.
It is also of interest to know how the topology of Ma changes when apasses a critical point. The following theorem answers that question.
Theorem. Suppose f is a smooth real-valued function on M and p is a non-degenerate critical point of f of index γ, and that f(p) = q. Supposef−1[q−ε, q+ε] is compact and contains no critical points besides p. ThenMq is homotopy equivalent to Mq−ε with a γ-cell attached.
These results generalize and formalize the 'rule' stated in the previous section. As was mentioned, the rule as stated is incorrect; these theorems correct it.
Using the two previous results and the fact that there exists a Morse function on any differentiable manifold, one can prove that any differentiable manifold is a CW complex with an n-cell for each critical point of index n. To do this, one needs the technical fact that one can arrange to have a single critical point on each critical level, which is usually proven by using gradient-like vector fields to rearrange the critical points.
Morse inequalities[edit]
Morse theory can be used to prove some strong results on the homology of manifolds. The number of critical points of index γ of f : M → R is equal to the number of γ cells in the CW structure on M obtained from "climbing"f. Using the fact that the alternating sum of the ranks of the homology groups of a topological space is equal to the alternating sum of the ranks of the chain groups from which the homology is computed, then by using the cellular chain groups (see cellular homology) it is clear that the Euler characteristic 范畴(论) 73ea445d145d24e8dcbbeafe8fd73d7c is equal to the sum
范畴(论) 1e431a37e69341db4066abcbf856786e
where Cγ is the number of critical points of index γ. Also by cellular homology, the rank of the nth homology group of a CW complex M is less than or equal to the number of n-cells in M. Therefore the rank of the γthhomology group,i.e., the Betti number 范畴(论) 31b47075374a8dd21642d1f91df47400, is less than or equal to the number of critical points of index γ of a Morse function on M. These facts can be strengthened to obtain the Morse inequalities:
范畴(论) 63f64b2b3f31e131f5b4f6566bb79ac7
In particular, for any
范畴(论) C360d431743c5f500f28076cdb611651
one has
范畴(论) 95a9567872c7cde58451910b572cd079
This gives a powerful tool to study manifold topology. Suppose on a closed manifold there exists a Morse function f : M → R with precisely k critical points. In what way does the existence of the function f restricts M? The case k = 2 was studied by Reeb in 1952; Reeb sphere theorem states thatM is homeomorphic to a sphere 范畴(论) 3b08d35114a95966e1300b5a2be756d8. The case k = 3 is possible only in a small number of low dimensions, and M is homeomorphic to an Eells–Kuiper manifold.
Morse homology[edit]
Morse homology is a particularly easy way to understand the homology ofsmooth manifolds. It is defined using a generic choice of Morse function and Riemannian metric. The basic theorem is that the resulting homology is an invariant of the manifold (i.e., independent of the function and metric) and isomorphic to the singular homology of the manifold; this implies that the Morse and singular Betti numbers agree and gives an immediate proof of the Morse inequalities. An infinite dimensional analog of Morse homology is known as Floer homology.
Ed Witten developed another related approach to Morse theory in 1982 using harmonic functions.
Morse–Bott theory[edit]
The notion of a Morse function can be generalized to consider functions that have nondegenerate manifolds of critical points. A Morse–Bott function is a smooth function on a manifold whose critical set is a closed submanifold and whose Hessian is non-degenerate in the normal direction. (Equivalently, the kernel of the Hessian at a critical point equals the tangent space to the critical submanifold.) A Morse function is the special case where the critical manifolds are zero-dimensional (so the Hessian at critical points is non-degenerate in every direction, i.e., has no kernel).
The index is most naturally thought of as a pair
范畴(论) 1cf8463eda4af393531fb76dc3dd795a
where i is the dimension of the unstable manifold at a given point of the critical manifold, and i+ is i plus the dimension of the critical manifold. If the Morse–Bott function is perturbed by a small function on the critical locus, the index of all critical points of the perturbed function on a critical manifold of the unperturbed function will lie between i and i+).
Morse–Bott functions are useful because generic Morse functions are difficult to work with; the functions one can visualize, and with which one can easily calculate, typically have symmetries. They often lead to positive-dimensional critical manifolds. Raoul Bott used Morse–Bott theory in his original proof of the Bott periodicity theorem.
Round functions are examples of Morse–Bott functions, where the critical sets are (disjoint unions of) circles.
Morse homology can also be formulated for Morse–Bott functions; the differential in Morse–Bott homology is computed by a spectral sequence. Frederic Bourgeois sketched an approach in the course of his work on a Morse–Bott version of symplectic field theory, but this work was never published due to substantial analytic difficulties.
See also[edit]


  • Bott, Raoul (1988). Morse Theory Indomitable. Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS. 68, 99–114.
  • Bott, Raoul (1982). Lectures on Morse theory, old and new., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 7, no. 2, 331–358.
  • Cayley, Arthur (1859). On Contour and Slope Lines. The Philosophical Magazine 18 (120), 264-268.
  • Guest, Martin (2001). arXiv abstract Morse Theory in the 1990's
  • Matsumoto, Yukio (2002). An Introduction to Morse Theory
  • Maxwell, James Clerk (1870). On Hills and Dales. The Philosophical Magazine 40 (269), 421–427.
  • Milnor, John (1963). Morse Theory. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-08008-9. A classic advanced reference in mathematics and mathematical physics.
  • Milnor, John (1965). Lectures on the h-Cobordism theorem - scans available here
  • Morse, Marston (1934). "The Calculus of Variations in the Large",American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publication 18; New York.
  • Matthias Schwarz: Morse Homology, Birkhäuser, 1993.
  • Seifert, Herbert & Threlfall, William (1938). Variationsrechnung im Grossen
  • Witten, Edward (1982). Supersymmetry and Morse theory. J. Differential Geom. 17 (1982), no. 4, 661–692.


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帖子 由 一星 2014-06-12, 06:12


There exists a deep relation between the topology (i.e., the qualitative behavior)
of a manifold and the structure of analytic objects on the manifold.





  • X 是紧微分流形。
  • E 与 F 是 X 上的向量丛
  • 范畴(论) 7177417170250ae4084cb4d74d4466cb是向量丛之间的椭圆偏微分算子。

设 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 是带 范畴(论) 8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3 个变元 范畴(论) 0aa86b202607893c2f3a6e8edfed2df3 的 范畴(论) 7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1 阶微分算子。其符号定义是以 范畴(论) 085e711ac608a79e5a3a9bdb955c124a 为变元的函数,其定义是将
范畴(论) 3b116a8a65e07bc869940654f8f34e74
范畴(论) 5192950349180c4dbab3d5cc334cefbd
因此符号对变元 范畴(论) A0fb034c1b175e346f81de6976ee7afa 是个 n 次齐次多项式。若此多项式满足 范畴(论) 0aef2021bc13bf4bcbbc0e7ce52c88fb,则称 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 是椭圆算子。
例一. 带 范畴(论) 8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3 个变元的拉普拉斯算子其符号为 范畴(论) 0f2d3d5644c046b6c5261cf843fec2e2,这是一个椭圆算子。
以上所述是 范畴(论) F452219e7f17a63a981ec586ab84026f 上的偏微分算子。今考虑微分流形 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383,其上的 范畴(论) 7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1 阶偏微分算子可以藉局部坐标系定义。此时其符号是 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 的余切丛 范畴(论) 617e3ec4119ad0f86b0dd38bda3f9b1a上的函数;对固定的 范畴(论) 735b05e6097f98da56f2ca14b8005d36,其符号是向量空间 范畴(论) D00b8b11eca62a15eedf0aa57477b3e5 上的 范畴(论) 7b8b965ad4bca0e41ab51de7b31363a1 次齐次函数,此定义与局部座标的选取无关(偏微分算子在坐标变换下的变换较为复杂,只能以射流丛定义;然而其最高阶项的变换规律似于张量)。
进一步言之,对于向量丛之间的偏微分算子 范畴(论) Beb652b01ef3d8b689e7ca945f5d04a2(一样以局部坐标定义),其符号是拉回丛 范畴(论) 816fe686ca9a707d4755c66670b9fa60 的截面。若对每个 范畴(论) 735b05e6097f98da56f2ca14b8005d36,此符号限制为可逆映射 范畴(论) 24942727618ef5a3cfc4495e360b8c89,则称 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 为椭圆算子。
粗略来说,椭圆算子的关键特性在于它们“几乎”可逆。对于紧流形上的椭圆算子 范畴(论) Beb652b01ef3d8b689e7ca945f5d04a2,存在一个椭圆伪微分算子 范畴(论) 0232f27be40b2b647f260050dd308eb8 使得 范畴(论) 2c5d8c80c47f2338b73bdf717ecc331a 与 范畴(论) Aac8a34de24e9678cd9a0446943c39e7都是紧算子。由此可推知 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 的核与余核都是有限维的。
既然 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 有伪逆,它便是 Fredholm 算子。对这类算子,可定义指标为
Index(D) = Dim Ker(D) − Dim Coker(D) = Dim Ker(D) − Dim Ker(D*)。
在微分几何的脉络下,常另称为范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5解析指标
例二. 考虑流形 范畴(论) 22be108968caa5ee41b165088eeee689,算子 范畴(论) 2778e302081728948ef2d4b9d645fcb1,其中 范畴(论) C8568a1c1153d5ff2aee105018454c6c,这是最简单的椭圆算子。若 范畴(论) Aa90b9c2edefef90a3391535b7d809f9,则 范畴(论) 1c401fe42856e75e5eee378318b06452,反之则为零空间;其伴随算子 范畴(论) A71023bcb181b0ee4fb70e7ff7287718 满足类似的性质,不难算出 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 的指数为零。由此例可见 范畴(论) 6f1209811329a0d6fed3b31e1a263150 与 范畴(论) A8951db8ebedc171f71465425c597bf6 在 范畴(论) E05a30d96800384dd38b22851322a6b5 变化时可能有不连续点,但其差则是个常数。
设 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 是 n 维紧微分流形,椭圆偏微分算子 范畴(论) Beb652b01ef3d8b689e7ca945f5d04a2 的拓扑指标定义为
范畴(论) 11914a21c5c3ca35deea27749bc4c690
换言之,是同调类 范畴(论) Afd3dfb50ae1c681002a03cd197c1ae3 的最高维项在 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 的基本同调类上的取值。在此:

  • 范畴(论) 8c1c4f943d9613022d3c1e183335cffc 是流形的 Todd 类。
  • 范畴(论) 6fffb9d5e8568f05b55695c57a03edec,在此 范畴(论) 40fdbf26041905f049aa7650b7b41582 是托姆同构范畴(论) Ebe2578290f1d8178bf15d4002a3bc2b 指单位球丛及其边界。
  • 范畴(论) 591d11c7fe5bb5acb1652c15a9443df4 是陈特征范畴(论) E8e4df03fcc999045efd6fe7d6509108 是 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 的符号,而 范畴(论) A2054702d540a4bae29ed0684d0bdc12 是 K 理论中定义的差元。

符号同前。椭圆算子 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 的解析指标在微小的扰动下不变,因此产生了一个自然的问题,称为指标问题:可否以流形 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 及向量丛 范畴(论) E97844b7caa5578d2bc9c7637c0679cf 的拓扑不变量表示解析指标?
D 的解析指标等于拓扑指标
解析指标通常难以计算,而拓扑指标尽管定义复杂,却往往有直截了当的几何意义。借由选取适当的椭圆算子 范畴(论) Beb652b01ef3d8b689e7ca945f5d04a2,指标定理可以给出丰富的几何信息。
设 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 为有定向的紧流形。任选一黎曼度量,取 范畴(论) 435568a53568498ae475de8c1c6e3f95,并取 范畴(论) Ae816792272db9da1eed17d30cdd7063,定义算子 范畴(论) D6d92cdeb7bcbb0fd346ac17018d94d8。此时的拓扑指标等于 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 的欧拉示性数,解析指标等于 范畴(论) 81d6e07f665138582a691204ec3b065c
设 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 为紧复流形,范畴(论) 5206560a306a2e085a437fd258eb57ce 为其上的复向量丛。定义
范畴(论) B6c639dd304af34a230ce335da0dcc08范畴(论) 0615e17f7d26d86055b0e31989f1117a范畴(论) 79689951c06f8a6fdb9db4f861b7cfa4
范畴(论) 3e1f80d5bc06bacb47a4ee72403455af
index(D) = ch(V)Td(X)[X],
 亏格与 Rochlin 定理[编辑]
流形的Â亏格是个有理数。对于自旋流形,这个值总是整数,若 范畴(论) 0c7136c7ab075fb3db26fcb0993cd72d,则它还是个偶数。这个定理可以由指标定理导出,方法是考虑适当的狄拉克算子;当 范畴(论) 0c7136c7ab075fb3db26fcb0993cd72d 时,此算子的核与余核带有四元数环上的向量空间结构,其复维度必为偶数,因此解析指标也必然是偶数。
阿蒂亚与辛格在1963年宣布他们的指标定理,但一直没有正式发表,只出现在 Palais 在1965年出版的书上。他们在1968年发表了第二个证明,用K理论取代了初版证明中的配边论手法。
阿蒂亚、博特与 Patodi 在 1973 年以热传导方程的手法给出另一个证明。格茨勒基于爱德华·维腾(1982)及 Alvarez-Gaume(1983)的想法,给出了局部狄拉克算子的局部指标定理的简短证明,这涵摄了实际应用中的大多数例子。
指标定理的许多证明中都利用伪微分算子,而非一般的微分算子,因为前者的理论更富弹性。举例来说,椭圆算子的伪逆不是微分算子,却仍是伪微分算子;另一方面,群 范畴(论) 2324c8c8bd936d85797c3a48d5641272 的元素对应到椭圆伪微分算子的符号。
考虑由资料 范畴(论) 2184e7796d4bc29a60f4c0606575972a 构成的环,其中 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 是紧定向微分流形,范畴(论) B6107789599c8b624c2462bf3881a995 是向量丛,其加法与乘法分别由不交并与积导出;我们考虑此环对关系 范畴(论) Bcd659a77be724152a99d513d86bd891 的商环。这个构造类似于配边环,不过此时我们还虑及流形上的向量丛。解析指标与拓扑指标皆可诠释为从此环映至整数环的同态。托姆的配边理论给出了这个环的一组生成元,我们可以对这些较简单的例子验证指标定理,从而导出一般的情形。
K 理论[编辑]
阿蒂亚与辛格正式发表的第一个证明采用了K理论。设 范畴(论) D23a4ce8bca0f4891e037439a79b45a6 为紧流形,范畴(论) Aab8d77cd30def8ef7a194dc6f865853 为闭浸入,他们对椭圆算子定义了一个推前运算 范畴(论) 128b82c012c21403fd9d7cf1ab464788,并证明 范畴(论) 128b82c012c21403fd9d7cf1ab464788保持指标。我们一方面可取 范畴(论) 57cec4137b614c87cb4e24a3d003a3e0 为一个包括 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 的高维球面;另一方面,仍取范畴(论) 57cec4137b614c87cb4e24a3d003a3e0 为前述球面,而 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 为其内一点。由于 范畴(论) 128b82c012c21403fd9d7cf1ab464788 保持指标,而拓扑指标也具备相容的运算,两相比较后可将指标定理化约到一个点的情形,此时极易证明。
阿蒂亚、博特 与 Patodi 在1973年给出了热传导方程手法的证明。格茨勒、伯利纳与弗尼在2002年给出一个精神相近的简化证明,其中利用了超对称的想法。
设 范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 为偏微分算子,范畴(论) A71023bcb181b0ee4fb70e7ff7287718 为其伴随算子,则 范畴(论) C27f853676c2409ca94c58533e6c370a范畴(论) 248b529f5e97113774de6140a3f69a3d 是自伴算子,并具有相同的非零特征值(记入重数),但是它们核空间不一定有相同维度。范畴(论) F623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5 的指标写作
范畴(论) Ba749a816c97e40f98f15ec67fd18013
在此 范畴(论) 231b8bbeb4fa45885c97d90d3d2637be 可任取。
上式右侧是两个热核的差,它们在 范畴(论) 1b13aa20c402e3d3186687559871638c 时有渐近表示式,它乍看复杂,但不变量理论表明其中有许多相销项,借此可明确写下领导项,由此可证出指标定理。这些相销现象稍后也得到超对称理论的诠释。

  • 推广至椭圆伪微分算子的情形。
  • 考虑更一般的椭圆复形,这是一个由向量丛构成的上链复形

0 → E0 → E1 →E2 → ... → Em →0

  • 带边界的流形。
  • 考虑一族以流形 范畴(论) 57cec4137b614c87cb4e24a3d003a3e0 为参数空间而变化椭圆算子,相应的解析指数可定义为 范畴(论) 16d17a675821ddc76d4b50d637c2a3fb 的元素。
  • 李群 范畴(论) Dfcf28d0734569a6a693bc8194de62bf 作用在紧流形 范畴(论) 02129bb861061d1a052c592e2dc6b383 上,并与所论的椭圆算子交换,则我们可以用等变K理论替代一般的K理论,得到的结果称为等变指标定里。
  • L2 指标定理。



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